Anakin - Lost Lightsaber

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     You were a Jedi padawan training your lightsaber skills, well more like you were watching the amazing Anakin Skywalker train while you were hidden in a corner.
     You were awestruck. He was so amazing. He had a fierceness that no other Jedi had. You wished you were half as good as he was. Not only was he an exceptionally amazing fighter, but he was also extremely good-looking.
      You knew it was against the Jedi code to be attached to anyone, but you couldn't help feeling attracted to him. That wasn't against the rules was it?
      Anakin and his master Obi Wan glided around the room fighting and deflecting perfectly with eachother, praising and taunting one another as their lightsabers clashed.
      With one swift blow, Obi Wan knocked Anakin's lightsaber out of his hand and far into the corner of the room. The hidden part where you were.
      Just then a young padawan rushed in and informed that the the two Jedi were needed immediately in the council room.
     Without hesitation Anakin and Obi Wan ran out, completely forgetting the lightsaber that was in the corner.
    You peeked out from your hiding place and eyed the lightsaber in awe. Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber! This was incredible! It was even more cool up close. You creeped out and hesitantly picked up the lightsaber, checking to see if anyone was around.
     So this is how it feels to hold it. You thought. You smiled and turned it on. The familiar blue beam shot from the handle. You waved it around carefully. You laughed. This was awesome! You wondered when Anakin would come back for it. You didn't want to leave it here because someone else might find it.
     You hooked it onto your belt next your own lightsaber. You tugged on your padawan braid. Soon that would be gone and you'd be a real Jedi like Anakin. You weren't able to become a real Jedi because of your shyness and your constant lack of faith in yourself.
     You went on with your day and a few hours later you saw an agitated Anakin running through the halls. He was about to pass you. You summoned up all your courage to speak up to your idol. "General Skywalker." You called, your voice shaking. He turned to face you. You bowed your head and took his lightsaber off your belt and held it out to him. "I believe this is yours." You say quietly. "My lightsaber! Thank you! I've been searching for this everywhere. Obi Wan was gonna kill me when he found out it was missing." Anakin said taking the lightsaber from you. You gave a small smile but couldn't meet his eyes. "What's your name? I don't think I've met you before." Anakin said. You looked up. "Oh. M-my name is Y/N." You mutter. "That's a pretty name name. I'm Anakin Skywalker." Anakin says. You nod. He notices your padawan braid. "You're a padawan?" "Yes." You say. "I probably will be forever." You add half-jokingly. "Why do you say that?" Anakin asked. You blush. "I-I'm very shy. I also don't have much faith in myself." You say glumly. "Oh, well maybe I can help you. If your master lets you, you should come train with me. If you want?" Anakin asked. You? Train with The Anakin Skywalker? You nodded quickly. "That would be incredible!" You blurted out. Anakin laughed. "Great! I look forward to getting to know you." Anakin says bowing before he leaves. "You too." You say quietly watching him walk away.
    You sighed happily to yourself. He was dreamy, and he invited you to train with him! You couldn't wait to see what happened next.

Hey all!! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been very busy lately. I can't believe we're almost at 500 views!! That's so awesome!!! Thanks everyone for reading this! This imagine was requested by preciousfreeman321 Sorry it took so long to make. I hope you like it!!

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