Anakin - Darkside

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This imagine is based off of the song Darkside by Kelly Clarkson.

     You decided to go with Padmé and Anakin to Tatooine after Padmé had made you her personal maid. She was still in hiding after the assassination attempts but Anakin told her that he absolutely had to go to Tatooine and find his mom.
     You all made it to Tatooine safely in Padmé's starship. You and Anakin had grown close on Naboo. You were starting to really like him but you knew about the Jedi and how they were not allowed to have attachments.
       Anakin went to where he used to work as a child. He told you bitterly about how he was a slave when he was younger, and how the Jedi master Qui Gon Jinn had found him and took him to be a Jedi but couldn't save his mother.
      There was a darkness in Anakin's eyes and you were a little frightened of him.

    He learned from his old owner Watto that his mother Shmi had been sold and later became freed and married to the man that bought her.
     Watto gave Anakin the directions on where to find his mother and then you were off.
       You came to this little house and met the owners. You all found out that Shmi Skywalker was kidnapped by tusken raiders. Her husband, Cliegg Lars, had little hope of her ever returning. He had tried to go after her as soon as he found out she was gone but ended up losing a leg in the process.
      Anakin had a dangerous fury in his eyes. He told everyone that he was going to find his mother. You ran after him when he left the room.
      "Ani you can't go! What if the sandpeople attack you?" You say grabbing onto his arm. "Y/N, I have to find her. I know she's alive. She needs me. I promise I'll be alright." Anakin says. You see his eyes are distant. There is the darkness in them again. You step away from him. "Be careful." You say worriedly. Anakin nods and takes off on a speeder.
       He returns the next morning but not alone. Anakin carried his mother's body, wrapped in cloth, to the back of the house where he was going to bury her.
      After she was buried Anakin stayed kneeling at her grave. You went up to him and put your hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry Anakin." You say sadly. Seeing Anakin so broken made your heart hurt for him. "I should've come sooner. I could've saved her." Anakin cried angrily. You sat down next to him and placed your arms around him in a hug.
       "There's something about me you don't know about." Anakin says quietly after sitting in silence for awhile. You turn to look at him and see he's staring at you. His eyes dark and menacing, made you want to run. "There's this darkness inside of me. I can feel it. I'm not like the other Jedi." Anakin says. You slowly move your arms away from him. "What do you mean?" You ask slowly. "When I went to the tusken raider camp, when I found out what they had done to her, and when my mother died in my arms, I showed them no mercy." Anakin said. His face showed so much pain. Tears glistened in his eyes. "I killed them. I killed them all. And not just the men, but the women, and the children too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!" Anakin cried angrily. You looked at him in horror and backed away.
       Who was this man? He wasn't who you thought he was. You ran off. You felt horrible for leaving him but you needed to think.
     After a few hours alone you realised that even though Anakin is a Jedi, he is human. He has the same emotions as everyone. Just because Jedi are supposed to control them doesn't mean he doesn't have any. If anyone had killed and tortured your mother, you probably would've done the same thing as him. You felt so ashamed for leaving him there in his anger, sadness and guilt. You rushed to find him.
      You found him where you left him. It looked like he hadn't moved at all since you left. The sun was setting and it was getting dark but you could see the streams of tears down his face.
      You sat down next to him and wiped his tears from his face. "I'm so sorry." You said. A tear fell down from your own eye.

    Anakin sat motionless, staring at his mother's grave. "I know you're ashamed for what you did, but you're only human. You're a great guy Anakin Skywalker. If I were in your shoes I would've done the same thing. Everybody's got a dark side. Nobody's perfect, but that's okay. I like everything about you Ani. Your good and bad side. That's what makes you you." You say leaning on his shoulder. He looks at you. "Do you really mean all that?" He asks. "I do Anakin. There's nothing wrong with having a little darkness in you, just as long as you control it and it doesn't take over you." You say playing with his padawan braid. "So you don't think I'm horrible?" Anakin asks. You shake your head. He pulls you into a hug. "Thank you Y/N." Anakin says into your hair. You hug him tightly.

I hope you like it!! If anyone has any preference or imagine requests feel free to leave them in the comments or message me! Thank you for reading and voting! You all are awesome!!

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