Anakin x Reader

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  You are trying to blend in with the crowd of Tatooine. You had plain robes on and a scarf that covered your face. You were an assain from Mandalore hired to kill the Toydarian Watto, and set free the slaves Shmi and Anakin Skywalker.
    You found the shop where Watto was the owner and pretended to look around. You saw a little boy crouched in a corner working on some sort of mechanics. He looks up at you.
   "Hey, can I help you?" He asks. You look around and shake your head. "I'm waiting for someone." You mumble quietly. "Who are you waiting for?" He asks curiously. You ignore his question. "You work here don't you boy?" You ask. He nods. "Where's your master?" You ask.
     This must be Anakin Skywalker. He was small and dirty. You wondered why anyone wanted to save this little boy. There was nothing extraordinary about him, at least it didn't seem like it. Well, he must be important to someone out there.
     "Watto is in the back. I can take you there if you need." Anakin offered. You smiled at him and shook your head. "Thank you, but I'll find him." You say as you walk towards the back.
    You walk slowly past the piles of junk in the shop. You took one last glance at Anakin before going through the door.
     The boy seemed nice. He looked so small and sad. He didn't deserve to be a slave. You felt pity for him but slightly happy for him since he would no longer be a slave soon.
    You find a little dark room in the back. You creep in quietly, seeing the alien count his credits. You silently walk behind him and put a blaster to his head.
    You run out after you had completed your mission. You had grabbed his slave tracker and walked quickly to Anakin. "Tell me when you feel a pain." You order pointing the device at Anakin and pressing a button.
    Anakin winced and touched the back of his neck. You nodded. "This will hurt a little." You say. You pull out a small knife and carefully cut out where the chip was in his neck. Anakin yelped but his eyes widened when he saw what you handed him. You put a bandage on the back of his neck while he stared at the chip.
    "Does this mean-" Anakin starts. "Yes you're free Anakin." You interrupt him. He looked at you in amazement and confusion. "Where's Watto?" He asks suddenly. You don't answer and he seems to understand.
    "Come, I've paid the Hutts. They get the shop and everything in it and you and your mother get to go free with no questions. Now come, take me to your mother." You say quickly.
    As you and Anakin walk through Mos Espa to find your mother, Anakin had so many questions. It was getting kind of annoying, but he was cute and started growing on you. He was so excited and scared. He told you of all his plans to eventually free all of the slaves on Tatooine. You smiled. He was very big-hearted. You wish more people thought the way this little boy did.
     You finally found Shmi at her house. You took off your scarf. And looked around the tiny room. You felt pity for these two. They have nothing. Even if they're free, how will they survive?
    "My name is Y/N. I was hired to kill Watto and set you two free. Everything is taken care of, don't worry." You say to Shmi. She looks at you in confusion. You sigh and press the button on the slave tracker. Shmi flinches and grabs her arm. You go over and take out the chip in her arm, like you did to Anakin.
    Shmi stared at you in wonder. "Thank you." She finally is able to stumble out. You nod.
     You are about to leave when you stop and turn around. You place a large amount of credits in Shmi's hands. Before she can say anything you leave.

   Years later you are in Coruscant walking the underworld. You are on another mission. You don't realise you are being followed until it's too late. Someone pins you from behind. You try to drop but they're holding you too tight. You kick at their knees but they don't budge. You finally result to screaming.
     You try to claw at their arms. They're squeezing you so tight that you're about to pass out. You begin to see black blotches.
    Suddenly you hear your captor grunt and you find he's let go of you. You whip around and find two men standing over a large body. The men had lightsabers. Your eyes widened and you began to run. They would stop you from your job.
     "Wait Y/N?" One of them called. "You rescued me from Tatooine." You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned around. You peer at his face. You gasp. "Anakin." You say quietly.
"I can't believe I'm seeing you again." Anakin says jogging over to you. He had grown so much from the little boy you had met on Tatooine. You give him a small smile. "I owe you everything." He says beaming. You shake your head. "I was just doing my job." You say. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to be going somewhere." You say. Anakin looks kind of disappointed. "Of course." He says. "Thanks for saving me back there." You mumble. He nods. "Do you think we'll meet again?" He asked. You give him a small smile. "You can count on it." You say before running off.

This imagine was requested by freedomgirl321. I hope you like it!!

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