Luke - Bullied

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First Imagine! I hope you like it!!!

    Today was another boring day at the speeder parts store. You boredly played with little parts laying around. Suddenly you hear the door open and in comes Luke. You look up with a smile but realise some other guys had followed him in. "Hey you orphan! Trying to hide from us?" The biggest guy pushed Luke from behind. "Leave me alone." Luke mumbled. The bullies all laughed at him. "Or what? You're gonna go home and cry to your mommy and daddy? Oh wait, you don't have any parents." One of them sneered. You had had enough at that point. You stood up and looked at all of them in the eyes in turn. "Can I help you gentlemen?" You ask. They all look at you in surprise. "Yeah lady, you can leave us alone." The ugliest one said. You stared him down. "You can either buy something or leave." You threaten. The biggest one smirks at you and deliberately knocks down a shelf full of parts. "Oops." He says stupidly and starts laughing. You roll your eyes. You've had enough. Before you can react, Luke punches the guy in the nose. The big guy falls to the floor. One of the other boys punches Luke and that made you very angry. You pull out a blaster from under the counter. "Get out of my store now." You demand. All of the bullies look at you with fear and shuffle out of the store quickly.
      You put the blaster away and rush over to Luke. His nose is bleeding. You quickly find something to stop it up. "What were those guy's problem?" You ask looking out the window to make sure they were gone. Luke rolled his eyes. "They're just jerks. They were making fun of me because I'm an orphan." Luke mumbles. "There's nothing wrong with being an orphan. I'm an orphan myself. Your aunt and uncle are good people. I'm sure as good as your parents were. I bet your parents, if they were alive today, would be very proud of you. You're a great person Luke. If some idiots want to make fun of you just because your parents aren't alive, then they are seriously messed up. By the way, thanks for punching the guy who knocked down my shelf." You say giving Luke a kiss on the cheek. Luke gave a small smile. "Thank you Y/N."

Thanks again for reading everyone! I hope you like this. This is my first imagine so if you have any comments is be happy to read them. :)

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