Your Wedding!

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Anakin: Today was your wedding day. Of course since it was a secret wedding you had to have it in a quiet place with no one around. It was only you, Anakin, the preacher, and your two droids R2-D2 and C-3po who were witnesses. You found a romantic place in a field by a lake on some faraway planet to have the wedding. It was everything you ever hoped for as you said 'I do' while looking into your handsome husband's eyes.

Obi Wan: You and Obi Wan married secretly on the desert planet of Tatooine. You went there on Jedi business to talk to the Hutt's but before you went back to Coruscant, you had a little stop to make. Even though it wasn't the prettiest wedding, your love for eachother shone brightly as you said your vows.

Han: You and Han had looked at several places to get married, but could never agree on anywhere until you both decided that you would rather get married on the Falcon than anywhere else. You thought Han looked exceptionally handsome in his suit, and you could tell he was eyeing you in your dress. Chewie roared happily as you and Han kissed and became husband and wife.

Luke: You and Luke invited all your friends to come to your wedding. It was a small wedding, but everyone was filled with joy seeing you and Luke so deeply in love with eachother. You became husband and wife while watching the twin sunset on Tatooine.

I hope you like it!! Thanks so much for reading!!!

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