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Levi's Pov

The sun shines brightly, the birds chirping happily and there's a slight breeze adding to the nice weather. It was warm and almost perfect. It made my heart be at ease from the stressful workload.

I looked outside the window from my study and saw some children running around, cheering and laughing loudly. It was weird that it didn't annoyed me because i was immediately irritated by slight noise usually.

I saw them ran towards something and i realized it was actually someone. It was a young woman, around 20s carrying a basket full of apples smiling sweetly going doors to doors passing the red delicious treats to the neighbours.

Her hair was long down to her waist and i could tell it was soft and silky from the look of it. She was wearing a white sundress with floral printed that reached below her knees. Her skin was almost pale and i don't know if it was just the sun blinding my eyes.

A little girl with blonde hair tugged at her skirt making her turn towards her with the same gentle smile across her face. The little girl put a pink rose flower crown on her head and she gasped. She hugged her as thanks and gave her an apple.

Then, more children started surrounding her and she laughed happily at their company. It was breathtakingly beautiful. I have never considered something beautiful before but now, she truly is beautiful. It took my breath away. Before i knew it, they arrived at my door-- politely knocking.

"Honey, come here!  There's a new neighbour here. Come meet her" my mother called. I complied,  walking to the door.

I saw a bunch of children, and a young lady with long hair with a sweet smile on her face.

"My name is Kutchel, this is my son Levi and also my grand-daughter Mikasa" my mom greeted her. She bowed down and looked at my mom again.

"My name is [name] and i just moved here from the next town. Nice to meet you, ma'am, sir and hello, Mikasa" she greeted.

"Hi Mikasaaaaaa~" the kids chimed. I noticed they were from the orphanage at the end of the road. The one Hange runs.

"Come on in. Our house is the last one you visited right?  Since it was a corner lot. You must be thirsty it's hot outside. Mikasa, invite your friends inside too" mom offered.

"It's fine. I'm fine. I needed to go back and unpack" she declined.

"Oh, come on in. I'll help you unpack later on. Levi, tell her to come in" my mother urged, glaring at me. I sighed deeply and turned to her with a scowl and of course i didn't mean it at all. She squeaked.

"Come on in, brat. You heard my mother" i muttered. I could see she's cowering slightly in fear.

"Oh gosh Levi!  Have you ran out of your rude speeches?! Is that all you could say?" Mom sarcastically commented.

"Come in, [name]" i sighed.

"I-if you insist... " she timidly replied.

"Of course i insist! Come on in! I just cooked a ton of spaghetties for us!" Mom sang, pulling her inside towards the kitchen. Mikasa already brought her friends to her playhouse upstairs.


"How old are you dear? You looked so young?" Mom asked.

"I'm 20, ma'am" she smiled.

"So young!!  Oh, just call me Kutchel. Or, auntie would be fine too. You don't have to be so polite" she laughed. [Name]  just nodded and they continued to chat.

From what i heard, she is Hange's relative and currently staying with her. She studied music and will start working as a music teacher at the orphanage.

After a long chat, i heard Hange at the door. It was already dark and she was dead worried.

"Oh, sorry Hange! It was so fun chatting with [name] that i lost track of time. Sorry to make you worry!" Mom apologized.

"Mikasa, its time for your friends to go home. You can play again tomorrow" i called out. Just then, the kids climb down the stairs and left the house with Hange and [name].

"Goodnight auntie, Mikasa and Mr. Levi" she bowed down before leaving.

"She's a nice girl, right?" Mom asked out of nowhere.

"How can you tell? You only met her today"

"I'm a woman, Levi. Of course i can tell"

"I can't tell because i failed my marriage before. And i don't want to tell".


That was what i said before... But it changed now.

Third Pov

The crowds' attention  turned towards the entrance of the flower garden. There are the girls from the orphanage as flower girls, Eren, Armin and Connie as the ring bearer, also Hange with the bride with her.

[Name]  insisted that Hange escorted her all the way to the altar even though she's a female because she's like a mother to her. As promised, the lady walked hand-in-hand with the girl in her wedding dress to the waiting groom. Her hair was neatly done in a loose bun, with a flower crown as accessory. A simple make up and a veil that covered her beautiful face.

Levi hold out his hand when she arrived and Hange placed her small hand in his. She could feel the both of them trembled a bit and she smiled lightly. She knew Levi was afraid to be wedded again and [name]  is just nervous.

"It's going to be okay..." She whispered before letting [name's]  hand go.

"I hope so too" he replied weakly. He didn't know why he agreed to marry her but he is way too late to even protest now. He knew his mother and daughter loved this girl and he wished he can trust their intuition. He married Mikasa's mother out of love and she betrayed him. But now, here he is, in front of the priest, getting ready to be married to you.

"Dear, [name]. I am not a perfect man and i am so very afraid of what to come after this day. I can't promise to love you immediately but that day will come, trust me. I promise to stay by you in health,sick and hardship and happiness. I will cherish you as you are and i hope we have our forever" Levi vowed with a shaky voice that made Kutchel very sad and broken. She knew how broken he was and how hard she tried to pull him back up. [Name]  grasped his hand tightly in hers, ensuring him it will be fine.

"Dear, Levi. I promise you to be brave from this moment onwards so that you can lean on me. I may be a child in your eyes but i have loved you dearly and deeply and i promised to love you a thousand years more. Don't be afraid, because i will wait for you to love me even if it takes thousand years. I vowed to you, that i will stay by you until the end of time. In love, in sickness, in health, in wealth, in hardship, at all times. I am all yours" she spoke her vow.

Levi could sense her sincerity through her words and it made his heart flutter. Tears rolled down his eyes as he felt really happy from her vow. They exchanged rings and the priest announce them as Levi and [name]  Ackerman. The crowd cheered and Levi kissed his bride sweetly.

"Lets be together for a thousand years more... " they chuckled together.

In their happy time, there is someone who swore to tore them apart...

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