chapter 4

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Kenny's POV

I saw Michelle came home upset and irritated. More like, she was agitated with something. Lately, she has always been like that. I didn't know what was the reason behind them nor i ask her what happened during the day. I just want to give her some privacy since she's an adult now. I don't want to spoil her too much.

Then, i heard something broke. It must be her usual tantrum again. She must be throwing things again. I sighed for who knows how many times and walked down to her bedroom.

"Michelle, let's have a talk. Tell me what's disturbing you," I began as i opened her door. I could see a vase shattered on the floor. the one that i bought for her birthday last year. Well, let's not mind it.

"That brat is pissing me off! Who does she think she is?! Flirting with Levi as she pleases" she complained. 

'Ah, it's about that girl again. Levi's new wife' i thought to myself. Well, in my eyes she did nothing wrong. She is a nice and polite girl. I met a few times during family gatherings and she does not seem bad at all. Ever since Levi got remarried, there has not been a day passed without Michelle came back complaining. What was the problem?

"She is such a bitch! I hate her so much! She's super ugly and fat!" my daughter continued rambling about (name). 

Ah, i see now. Michelle hated her because she managed to make Levi look at her now. All this while, no one ever made Levi look at a woman other than Michelle. Michelle practically had Levi in the palm of her hands. He loved her and only her. I could see it in his eyes before. Yet, i wondered why did they separate?

Did they get tired of each other already? Did they fight? Did they cheat on each other? Levi is a pilot and Michelle is a supermodel. Both of them have a promising carrier but why did they separate? And, after the break Levi was broken enough to lock himself in for a whole month. He didn't even eat. 

But Michelle seems normal to me. She fool around with guys almost everyday. She also didn't fight for Mikasa's custody. She let Levi have her and she would just occasionally visit or pick her up. So, why did she has to feel irritated now that it was all her fault for not fighting for their happiness back then?

"Michelle, why did you guys divorce in the first place?" I asked. That question made her flinched.

"Well... because we didn't work together anymore?" she trailed. 

"Then, why didn't you fight for it?"

"Levi should be the one to do that! He's the husband!"

"He's the husband and you're the wife. You both carry the responsibilities for your marriage. If something was wrong then fix it together. You shouldn't let him shoulder it alone"

"Why are you lecturing me? You're my father right? you should have be on my side" she questioned.

"I'm not siding on anyone. I'm telling you for your own sake."

"It's too late now. It's over"

"Then, give up on him. Let him live happily with (name). Leave him alone"

"There's no way i can do that! Levi is mine! He will forever be mine! He is mine and mine alone" Michelle yelled.  

"Then why did you give up on him Michelle?! If you didn't leave him in the first place, none of these would have happened! Look at yourself first before pointing at others!!"

"Are you saying its all my fault??"

"Yes I am!! Its your own fault! So stop it! Stop disturbing them anymore! just live your life! find yourself what makes you happy and let them be!" I cried. I saw Michelle's eyes widen. That was the first time i ever yelled at her. Her whole life was filled with love. And I thought by fulfilling all her wants would make her a better person. But i was wrong. Its okay to spoil kids, but if they did something wrong, they must be punished for their mistakes. They must be taught so that they wouldn't do that same mistake again.

My girl grew up without a mother and Levi was born without without a father. Both of them lacked one parent i their life. But what differs them was they way they was raised. Kutchel was strict with her son which I always felt pity for the kid. But, she knew what she did and she was right. Levi was the top at school and even graduated as the icon for all student. He's the no. 1 pilot in the country. He became a successful person.

As for me, i spoiled Michelle too much that i close one eye when she flunked her tests, skipped school, and fool around. I just thought that was her way of expressing things. Just because she didn't have a mother. I let her do whatever she wanted and i never get mad at her. Not even once. It was all because of me she acted up now. It was my fault that she think she was right all the time. Because, I told her everything is fine as long as she is happy. 

"If mom is still around, mom wouldn't yell at me like you did!" she screamed.

"No. She would. She would if she meant to tell you you did wrong. She would have raised you properly, Michelle."

"Are you saying I'm a bad person now?! Just because you saw that all innocent brat and you're marking me as a bad person now?? She's not even your daughter why are you all nice with her!! Because she didn't yell at you?! She didn't complain to you?! Are you regretting it now that I'm a failure as a woman????" Michelle screamed. Her brows furrowed in a frown. 



"Yes, I told you to do whatever that makes you happy. But I never told you to talk bad about someone" I warned her. Michelle clutched her swollen cheek and glared at me. 

"I will make her pay for taking even you away from me" she hissed and stomped her feet, leaving the room. 


Normal POV

Kenny took a deep breath before taking his phone out of his pocket, dialing his nephew's number. 

"Hello? What's up? Calling me out of sudden?" Levi said as soon as he picked up. 

"Levi, where are you?"

"I'm outstation"

"Listen to me. Your wife is in a coma. She was attacked earlier... By Michelle" Kenny said carefully.


"Levi? Are you listening?"

"I'm coming home right now" he said and hung up. Kenny sighed. Afterwards, he called Kutchel. her reaction was the same as her son but he could hear her sniffles.  

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