chapter 8

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It has been a week since Levi last drop by to the hospital. He had been locking himself in his bedroom-- weeping. Today, he came with his long sleeved turtleneck sweater and his back jeans along with a black sneakers. He brought a bouquet of white roses with him. 

"Why do you look like you're going to a funeral?" [name] asked as he stood next to the bed. 

"Hi, [name]. Sorry that I haven't come for a week to visit you. And, I wanted to tell you this will be the last" he said, staring at her motionless body. [name's] eyes widen at his statement.

"What are you saying? Are you giving up on me? Are you going to tell them you had enough and you want me to die?!" [name] screamed. 

"Maybe you thought that i want to let you go so you can be at peace. But... I'm not that kind of man. I can't let you go that easily. If its the only way to live with you... Then i'll do it. I can't wait anymore. I want to hear your voice. And this the fastest way to that" he sobbed. [name] was stunned. 

"What are you saying...?" she trailed. 

"I thought long and hard about our relationship. I thought very carefully about us. I don't want to let you go. I wanted our thousand years but it seemed to me that you don't. Have you come to hate me? All this while you were sleeping, you only talked to Eren. You never once talked to me. You didn't even try. Have you given up on me?" he cried. At this, [name] was flooded with sudden realization.

She was upset all this while that no one heard or saw her but Eren did and she was contented with that. She told herself that even if everyone didn't see her but Eren did and it was enough. She had gotten used to living that way that she was forgotten about Levi who was waiting for her. [name] was being selfish and only think of herself and sulked. Because no one saw her so she refused to wake up. 

"I waited for you. But still, it was to no avail. Maybe it was my fault for being reluctant towards you before that you won't wake up anymore. Yes, it was my fault. And yet i was still the stubborn man. I refused to let you go. To let you be at peace. I still wanted to be with you. And this is the only way. I'm telling the doctor to turn off these machines and I'll go to where you are so wait for me. If we can't be together here, in this world. We're going to be together in hell" Levi muttered. His eyes dead. 

"Levi, you're planning on committing suicide?! No! Stay here!" [name] cried frantically. Levi kissed the sleeping woman's forehead and stood up to leave the room. 

"No stop! Don't go! Don't do this!!" she cried, trying to stop him but he just passed through her. 

"No, no, no, no, wake up. Wake up [name]! Wake up dammit!!" she screamed trying to wake herself up.         

"No... please someone... please" she sobbed. [name] frantically did everything she can to wake up and to stop Levi at the same time. None of it worked until Eren came. 

"Eren, You have to wake me up! Levi's going to kill himself! Please!! Tell me to wake up!!" [name] pleaded. 

"What are you saying?" 

"Hurry up!!" 

Just then, the door flew open and a doctor with his nurses came. One of the nurses ushered Eren out of the room as they were about to begin the process.

"What are you doing?" Hange came.

"Mr. Ackerman told me to allow the third procedure" the doctor said.

"Which is?" Hange inquired.

"Turning off the oxygen and heart machine . Let her fade away slowly" 

Hange's eyes widen. 

"Eren!!" [name] called. 

"Teacher Hange. Teacher [name] told me that Mr. Levi is going to kill himself so we must wake Teacher [name] up" Eren said, tugging at Hange's arm. 

"What...?" Hange was lost. The doctor turned the machines off and backed away. Eren saw [name] fell to her knees clutching her heart and gasping for air. 

"Teacher [name]?" he called. But [name] vanished. It was the comatose person turn to gasp for air but the medical team did nothing and just watched her flailing around. 

"Teacher Hange!" Eren urged, pulling Hange out of her trance. 

"Like I'm going to let your world crumble like that before my eyes. Hell no" hange said as she climbed on top of the bed to help [name] breathe. The staffs tried to stop her but Hange didn't back off. 

"Open you eyes, breathe slowly..." she instructed. [name] opened her eyes, pooling with clear droplets of beads. 

"" she choked. 

"What's wrong?"

"He's going to kill himself..." she managed. 

"Oh god..."

"Take me to him..." 

With that, Hange helped the young woman to walk up to the rooftop. She was still weak from sleeping for over than a year. They pushed open the door to the rooftop and saw a man standing on the edge. It was definitely Levi.

"Levi! Don't jump!" [name] called. Levi jumped a bit out of surprise and turned back at the source of sound. 

"[name]...?" he asked. Unfortunately, his foot slipped and he fell. [name] pushed Hange aside and dashed to save him. Gratefully, his sleeve was stuck at the rubble and [name] managed to grab his arm in time. 

"What are you thinking?!" she cried. 

"[name]..." Levi called again. His tears streamed down furiously and he was practically hiccuping. He grasped [name's] hand tightly. 

"I'm scared..." he added.

"Hange...!" [name] groaned. Trying to pull the man up. Hange rushed to them and helped her pull him up. Levi was saved and he immediately clung to [name] like dear life. 

"[name]... [name]... [name]..." he wailed. 

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I've hurt you. I left you for too long. I forgot about you. I'm sorry..." [name] cried, hugging Levi tightly. Nothing left his mouth other than the call of [name's] name. It was like that was the only word he know.            

"I won't leave you again. I promise. I won't let you go... I love you..." [name] said.

"I love you... I love you so much..." Levi sighed. Droplet of tears rolled down again as she heard the magic words. It was the first time Levi ever said he loved her. He did treat her well but he never said the words of love. It was always [name] who said it. 

"I love you a thousand more..." she whispered. 

One step closer...

 I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years

I love you for a thousand more 

And all along I believed I would find you 

Time has brought your  heart to me 

I have loved you for a thousand years  

I love you for a thousand more  

A Thousand Years [SNK FanFict- Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now