chapter 2

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Time passed by quickly and its already 8 months after their marriage. It was a smooth sail and Levi slowly getting used to having her around. He also started relying on her more and learnt her way of handling children.

"Levi, wake up. We're going to be late" [name]  called. He stirred up in his sleep for a while before he fell back into slumber. It continued that way for a while before [name]  loses her temper.

"LEVI FUCKING ACKERMAN. I TOLD YOU TO WAKE UP DIDN'T I? ARE YOU UP OR DO YOU PLAN ON SLEEPING FOREVER? IF SO, I CAN HELP YOU... " she spat venomously. Levi jumped from the bed right towards the the bathroom.

"How can a sweet girl change into a monster in a blink of an eye?" He cursed in a hush voice.

"I can hear you Mr. Ackerman" she noted.

"She's a monster. No mistake. " he confirmed.

"Ah, i forgot to clean to corner of the tub. There might be moss.." She trailed. Right after that, she could hear a strained yelp along with the plastic tool fell out of place.

"I lied, actually. Did you fell, hun? Does it hurt?" She laughed, clutching her stomach.

"Goddammit woman. I'm going to make your life a living hell!" He cursed.

"You just did, hun. What man made his wife wiped the bathtub until it stainless every single day?" [Name] sighed. She leaned against the door separating them. Levi smirked when a nasty idea crossed his mind.

"Oh, I'm excited to make it even worse" he said and pulled her in the bathroom with him.

"LEVIIIIIIII!!!!" a blood curling scream was heard around the house making Mikasa jumped out of the seat and Kutchel giggled happily.

"Granny?! What was that? Mom's voice was terrified! Should we go check on them?" Mikasa panicked, running towards the grandma.

"They're fine, honey. They are totally fine~ they are just playing with each other~" Kutchel grinned.
"But mom doesn't sound fine? Are you sure? We don't have to check on them?" The little girl asked. The woman in her 50s just smiled and grinned happily at her confused grandchild.


"Mom, daddy... Are you done? We're going to be late for the school trip. We have to gather up at 10. Its 9.30 already... " Mikasa called out, knocking on the bedroom door. The door opened, revealing [name]  with towel wrapped around her body.

"We'll come down in a bit. I just finished preparing your father's clothes. Sorry, did you wait long?" She asked, ruffling her raven hair.
"I'm fine. But, are you okay? The bruise looks bad. Does it hurt?" Mikasa asked poking on the freshly bruised skin. [Name's] trailed down to her finger and immediately blushed beet red. She quickly covered the spot with her hand and ran inside the room hiding herself.

Leaving Mikasa confused yet again. Levi who was buttoning up his shirt snorted and went towards his daughter.

"Mom is fine. It was just mosquito. Bad mosquito~ go down. We'll be there in a bit" he chuckled. Mikasa nodded and walked off. Levi closed the door and turned to his wife who was putting on her shirt.

"Aren't you buttoning the shirt up too high? Don't you feel hot?" He smirked.

"Not at all. Today is super cool. Even my head is cool" she hissed. Levi laughed.


The children from the orphanage was brought to the aquarium for a school trip. They were so happy that they ran around. Most of them clung to Levi all the time.

"Mr. Levi~~~~ let's go see shark! I want to seee sharrrkk" Eren chimed.

"Me too, me too~" Armin, Connie and Sasha cheered.

"No, let's go see the octopus! Mr. Levi let's go see the octopus!" Jean urged. Both Eren and Jean started tugging at Levi's shirt. The man had an obvious scowl on his face but the kids seemed to ignore that.

"Why did i even come here for?" He grumbled. But the children didn't budge, they kept surrounding him. They loved him for some reason.

"Did you become fatter the 6 months you moved in with Levi?" Hange inquired.


"It seemed you gained weight, in my view... " Petra added.

"Right? I think so too," Eld added.

"Seriously?" [Name] thought. She didn't feel herself heavy though.

Because its weekend, so the aquarium is quite packed with tourists outing with their families. [Name] felt suffocating so she decided to get fresh air outside. But she suddenly felt weak in her knees and she nearly fell down.

"[Name]? Are you okay? You looked pale though" Hange asked.

"No... Its just... Its hot. Its hard to breathe" she huffed, fanning herself.

"You alright? You're sweating pretty bad... " Petra noted.

"I want to go outside for a bit..."

"No, stay here. Let's call Levi. I don't want anything to happen" Eld said in a worried tone. They called Levi over.

"Hey, you looked pale. Should we go to hospital?" Levi asked. He wrapped his arm around her waist to support her.

"I'm fine..." She whined.

"Maybe it was too packed? Take her out. We'll watch over Mikasa" Hange noted.


Levi took his wife outside and she suddenly felt the urge to puke. They went to the toilet and [name]  did her business while Levi waited outside.

"Hey, you okay? Did you eat something bad?" The man asked asked as soon as she stepped outside.

"I ate what you ate. Why am i the only one feeling sick?" She complained.

"Anyway, let's go to the hospital for a check up"


"Have you missed your periods?" The doctor asked after she examined her. Both Levi and [name] looked at each other.

"Now that you mentioned it. Yeah. It has been two months" [name] answered casually.

"Congratulations Mr. Ackerman, you're going to be a father soon. Your wife is pregnant. The baby is 8 weeks old" the doctor cheered. The couple was dumbfounded hearing what she said and stared at each other.

"What...?" [Name] trailed.

"There's a baby in your belly. You're going to be a mother soon" Dr. Nanaba explained. [Name's] eyes widened as tears started pooling. She again turned to look at the man beside her but he pulled her into a warm embrace.

"Thank you, [name]. Thank you"

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