chapter 3

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"Its the beachhhhhh!!  Yeaaayyyyyyy!!!! " Eren screamed at the top of his lungs in the middle of the white sandy beach.

"Shut up, brat" Levi grumbled. He was trying to set up a comfortable place for them to relax. [Name]  just chuckled at their small bickering. They always did that. Eren and Levi didn't get along well.

The boy liked Levi, he admired him. But he also somehow being envious because Levi is your husband now. And that little turquoise eyes boy was trying to be rebellious by asking for your attention.

"Teacher, let's go play in the water. Let's go play together" Eren chimed, tugging at [name's] skirt. He was acting super cute.

"Hell no. She's not going with a brat like you" Levi spat. He glared at the young boy who glared back with the same intensity.

"I'm not going far! I know well enough teacher can't afford to be too active now! I'm not that stupid" Eren screamed. Levi was a bit taken aback by his words and [name]  tried really hard not to snort.

"We're just going for a dip. Its going to be fine. Don't worry" she replied and walking hand in hand with Eren towards the water. The boy turned to him with a victorious smirk across his face, blowing raspberries at him.

"That damn brat..." He cursed.

Just then, a little girl came running towards him and it took him a while to notice it was Mikasa.

"Are you that blind to not even notice me?" She questioned.

"Excuse me young lady, i am your father. And, I'm not blind it was just too bright" he hissed.

"Why are there only Eren? Where are the others?"

"Those little shits had award giving ceremony and it seems Eren is just too stupid to get even one"

"Nice explanation" a voice mused from behind.

"Can mommy join us today?" Mikasa asked nicely. Levi turned to the woman behind his daughter who was super sexy today. She had that fake super model smile on her face that made him wanna puke.

"Only if she want to"

"Oh, I'd be glad~" she chimed.

"Yeayyyy~ I'm gonna go play with Eren nowwww" Mikasa cheered and ran towards Eren. With that, Michelle tried to slump her body onto Levi but he ignored her.

"[Name]  do you want to eat?" He asked, opening the food basket.

"Can i have some grapes?" [Name] replied.

"Sure, hun"

"Mr. Levi, can i have some saussages?" Eren asked.


"Oh, Levi. Come on. Don't be like that" [name]  laughed. Levi sighed heavily, complied with his dear wife wishes completely ignoring the awaiting Michelle.

The day was well spent at the beach. They were having a very good quality time with their loved ones well, except for Michelle though. She was trying very hard to seduce Levi by wearing her super sexy bikini that were seriously improper for kids to look at.

Levi on the other hand, had his attention full of [name]  and Eren-- with them trying to compete for [name's]  affection. It made the woman laughed how desperately Levi acted, considering he's a Mr. Perfect with super stoic look.


"I'll be back in a few days. Take care of yourself. But, are you sure you'll be fine?" Levi asked as he adorned his pilot uniform.

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