chapter 9

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"I'm surprised you can even walk with the current condition of your waist" the doctor said, surprised. [Name] smiled weirdly as she felt a hint of pain shooting from her lower body.

"That't what we call desperate measures don't we?" She snorted.

"Really now?  You shouldn't do that anymore. We're grateful it wasn't badly affected from sudden movement. If not, you might be paralysed for the rest of your life" Hange complained, glaring towards Levi. Levi looked away painfully.

"But if that what it takes to save the person I love, then I'll do it" [name] smiled proudly. She gave an assuring squeeze to Levi's hand. Hange smiled at her words.

"I'm glad you said that" Hange sighed.

"Just for reminder. You might not be able to become pregnant anymore. Well, but I'm just saying. Truth is, miracle can happen" Dr. Nanaba said.

"Yes. Thank you"

"About you, Dr. Hange. I will issue your suspension cancellation. Please tell Dr. Erwin about this also. We will hold a meeting next week" she said.

"I... Don't think I want to come back as a doctor. I'm a teacher now. And I love the kids at the orphanage. Erwin also... He's in the States. I don't know if he wanted to come back anymore. We love who we are now" Hange reasoned.

"I see. So that's how it is... Well then, thank you. I will sign your discharge note today. Until then, please rest. Please excuse me" Dr. Nanaba said and excused herself.

Levi sighed and buried his face on his wife's shoulder.

"I'm back... Don't you want to welcome me back?" [Name] asked.

"Welcome back... " Levi's voice came muffled from her shoulder. [Name] chuckled.

"Is...  Is it safe to come in now...?" A timid voice echoed. All eyes turned to the door and saw a pair of turquoise eyes peeping into the room.

"Eren, come inside meet Teacher [name]" Hange called gesturing the little boy to come inside.

He trotted to the brunette woman. As soon as those mesmerizing turquoise eyes met [name's]  orbs, tears started to pool.

"Eren, come" she called. Without warning Eren bawled-- running into his teacher's arms.

"Teaaaacheeeeerrrr... I'm shoooo scwareddddd~ dwon't weaveeee meeeeeee~" he wailed, clinging onto [name] really tightly. 

"I'm sorry...  I'm sorry that I scared you" [name] apologized ruffling Eren's messy locks.

"I wuv youuu. I wuvv youuu shoo muchhh...  Dwon't weavee meeehhhh"         he hiccuped. [Name]  chuckled.

"I won't. I promise i won't."

"Eren," Levi called sternly. The little boy finched. He slowly turned to the glaring man and gulped. Surprisingly, his gaze softens.

"Thank you" he said. Not expecting that at all, Eren gaped.

"Thank you for bringing [name]  back.  If its not for you... I might have made the wrong decision. Thank you, Eren. You're my lifesaver" Levi confessed. There was a light tint of blush on his face. Eren became flustered.

"N-no... I...  I was just...  I want teacher to wake up... " Eren stammered between words.

"With that said, do you want to become my family? I would like to sign in for your adoption" Levi muttered. Eren's eyes lit up.


Hange and [name]  smiled fondly at the scene Levi and Eren reconciled. They were hugging each other like a father and a son would do. 

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