chapter 5

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Name's POV

I woke up seeing an unfamiliar ceiling of a room. Quite different to the one I regularly see. i sighed and sat up and stretched my sore muscles. Then, I saw Kutchel nodding off on the sofa with Mikasa on her lap. 

"Why are they with me actually?" i murmured. I walked out of the bed to the door but even before I manage to reach it, the door opened-- revealing Levi with a sullen look on his face. 

"Levi? Why are you here? Aren't you outstation?" I asked. He seemed to not hear me so i wanted to repeat and that was when he walked past me. No, the correct phrase was 'through' me. He didn't hear me nor see me. Also, he walked right through me. Am I some kind of a ghost?

"Mom, I'm going to prepare for the burial. Please look over (name) for me" Levi said softly. 

"Have you chose a name for him?" Kutchel asked.

"It's (boy's name). (Boy's name) Ackerman" Levi answered. His voice was low. But it wasn't his usual low voice. It was the one when he was trying his hardest not to cry. I turned around to look at them. Yet, I saw something even more horrifying. 

It was me, laying unconscious on the bed, with the help of heart machine. Wires attached everywhere on me. I was relying on an oxygen mask from a tank to breathe. The one I saw mom used before she died. My face was swollen and bruised very badly. There were some fresh cuts at the corner of my mouth and my eyebrow. 

I looked down on my stomach and it was flat. As flat as when I was a kid. I was 6-months pregnant and yet my belly is flat. What the hell?

"(Name), thank you for bearing my child. Even though he didn't have the chance to live, but you gave him life. The doctor told me you tried protecting him. You... protected him until your waist gave up on you. That's why, to save you, we have to give up on him. He was just 6 months, and they said they wouldn't sure he would survive if they save him. I knew you tried your hardest, but paralyzing you for the rest of your life is not an option I'm fond of. So wake up, come back to me" he said. His voice clearly cracked by the end of his speech that it broke my heart.

"What are you saying...? I am here... Look at me"

Yet, he didn't hear me at all. Levi stood up from the stool beside the bed and again walked past me leaving the room. He closed the door behind him but I didn't hear footsteps. I took the courage and walked out of the room to see him. To my surprise, there he was, crouched down in front of the door hugging his knees sobbing in despair. 


He was hiccuping as he tried to soothe down his cries. His hands furiously wiping away endless tears. I crouched down next to him, holding his hand. But, being the ghost I am now, of course it goes through him. After a while, Levi stood up again, tidying his shirt and walked away. 


Time passed by slowly. A day felt like weeks. Week felt like months. Months felt like years. Years felt like eternity. They are rotating turns watching over name at the hospital. Some day, it would be Hange. The other day would be Kutchel. But most of the time would be Levi. But, they didn't know that the person herself was watching over next to them. 

Today, it was Hange's turn. He brought over Eren today since he urged that he wanted to see his beloved Teacher (Name).

"Stay here. I would like to see the doctor first. Don't go anywhere, I'll be back" Hange reminded before leaving Eren at the door of the ward room. He nodded and opened the door. The ghost peeked her head from behind the curtain and saw Eren coming inside. 

"Oh, it's Eren today!" she cheered. At that, Eren froze. he looked around and saw nothing. 

"Who is that?" he asked. (Name's spirit) flinched at his question and asked again.

"Can you hear me?" 

"Like I said who are you?! Show yourself!!" Eren yelled angrily. 

"Eren, you're so short tempered" (name) sighed as she appeared in front of the young lad. His mouth hung open at the sight of her. She was standing normally, in her usual white long-sleeved  turtle neck shirt that was tucked in under her knee-length light blue pleated skirt. 

"W-why ... Why are there two teacher?" he asked. (name's) eyes widen in pure shock. 

"Eren, you can see me?" she asked. The boy nodded. (name) bent down to be on eye level with him. She stared right into his turquoise orbs for any hidden lies. But he didn't waver at all.

"You really ... can see me... After all this time... Finally... someone can see me. I was waiting... Thank you for coming, Eren. Thank you so much" she sobbed. Tears rolled down her eyes.

"Don't cry... I am here now" Eren soothed. His small hands cupped her cheeks and wiped away stray tears. He can touch her with no problems too.

"You can touch me too. You didn't pass through. Why?"

"Because I believe that you really are Teacher (name). My beloved Teacher (name)." Eren said with a sad smile on his face. That's right. Eren was the only kid who was overly attached to her. He couldn't do a single thing without her. He would always tell her what he did everyday even the simplest detail. 

Eren would wait for her in front of the door every morning before he could begin his daily routine. He would become sullen if she was absent for even a day. His day is incomplete without her.

"It's so hard without you... I missed you so much... " Eren sobbed. His mesmerizing eyes clouded with tears. (name) pulled him into a hug and he cried so hard.He wrapped his arms tightly around her torso. His face was buried in her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Eren. I left you for too long..."


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