chapter 7

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Levi led his life like he usually did-- flawlessly fine and smooth. He had no signs on him like he was broken inside. Maybe the failed marriage with Michelle didn't bug him anymore. Maybe Levi had moved on from people leaving in his life. He casually went back and forth from the hospital to check on his comatose wife and went back to look after his daughter. He didn't stay for too long at the hospital anymore like he used to. All he did now was drop by. 

Maybe he was already tired looking after [name] at the hospital room. Maybe he had enough already. Well, it's not his fault. [Name] has been sleeping for over a year already. The doctors and nurses had done everything they could to wake her up but she refused. [name] was lost in her sleep. Maybe she already felt at peace. Who knows what she was thinking?

Kutchel watched Levi as he walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He was acting naturally like he did. Calm and composed and never falter. He was the stiff and stoic Levi he was before [name] came along. 

"Levi, do you have work?" the mother asked.


"Where are you going?"

"To see (boy's name). It has been a while since I last visited him"

"I see. Have you thought about [name]? Have you decided what to do?" Kutchel asked, eyeing his son. He remained silent for a while. 

The doctor told them [name] had been sleeping for too long already. he said that they can decide to either bring her home and wait for her to wake up or, move her to another private room which will cost a lot or give up on her and let her rest in peace. 

Still Levi hasn't decided anything. He looked like he won't decide anytime soon or he just didn't bother to decide anymore. 

"I don't know. I need more time to think"

"Levi, if you ever need help, I will be here. And you do know that don't you? Everyone here is willing to help you" Kutchel persuaded.

"I'm fine" Levi muttered. He then left the house to the cemetery. Kutchel sighed.


"How's school? Everything fun?" [name] asked Eren when he come over to visit her again. He had been coming over everyday. He claimed that he can see [name's] spirit but no one bought it anyway. They dismissed him by saying he's just a child and he was imagining things.

"It's normal. Has Mr. Levi been visiting you properly? Mikasa was late almost every morning, you know?" Eren countered.

"Really? Maybe he's too tired. He did drop by here every night. But he didn't stay long like he used to be. Maybe he's sick of me already?" [name] pouted. 

"Mr. Levi needed a scolding! I should scold him when i get home. But don't worry teacher. I will always accompany you. I won't get sick of you" Eren assured. 

"Aww, that's so sweet" [name] chuckled. 

"Eren? Who are you talking to?" a voice asked. They both turned to the door and saw Hange. 

"Teacher Hange! Would you believe me if I say I was talking to Teacher [name]? She's over there by the window frame." Eren asked innocently, leaving [name's] side to dash towards Hange. The brunette looked around and saw nothing but a lifeless body called [name] on the bed. Her brows drawn together.

"Are you sure? I can't see anything other than [name] sleeping there" Hange replied. She looked around again. Hange can see ghosts and she did believe what Eren was saying but why can't see [name] if what Eren said was true. 

"She's right there. Teacher [name], come here. Talk to Teacher Hange" Eren cooed. [name] complied and stood before Hange. 

"Can you see her now? She's right in front of you" Eren said. 


"Eren, it's okay. You don't have to force Teacher Hange"

"[Name]. Maybe I know why I can't see you now. I can see ghosts and ghosts are dead person. But you are not dead yet. So i don't plan on seeing you now. Wake up and talk to me properly" Hange said. [name] flashed a sad smile at her best friend. 

"You made Teacher [name] sad" Eren frowned. 

"I'm sorry. But I am serious"


Levi walked slowly to the safety of his room. He locked the door properly and slid down against the wooden door. 

"Why? Why won't you wake up? I tried every single thing I can but still... You won't wake up anymore. Tell me [name]. What did I do wrong? Why won't you see me anymore? Eren told me you've been speaking with him every single day. And yet... you won't even look at me. Do you hate me? Are you leaving me like Michelle did?" Levi cried. 

He was not okay at all. Acting like he was unaffected was just a facade. He didn't want Kutchel to worry. He had her worry enough last time he broke down. But he's not strong at all. He just can't face this for the second time. The raven haired man crawled to the nightstand beside his bed and opened the drawer.

He took out a pocket knife and slid the sharp blade across his pale skin on his forearm. He had been doing this for a while now. There were lots of fresh scars across his skin. All of them were successfully hidden by his clothes. Levi winced when he saw the red blood flow down creating a small pool of red on the carpet. 

He was indulge in this kind of self-harm to seek comfort but he never had the gut to commit suicide. He was too afraid. What will you think of him if he's gone? Will you cry? Will you be mad? Or do you not care at all? Does he even has a place in your heart? If he did, why won't you wake up? He let his tears rolled down, mixing with the pool of blood as he reminiscent his days with you. 

"I don't deserve you. I only bring pain to you. I'm so pathetic. I shouldn't have marry you in the first place. If i don't then you will still be here by now. You will still laugh happily now. I shouldn't have touch you. I shouldn't have loved you... I should have died long ago. I'm so worthless." He wailed. He dropped to the carpet, letting his hair dirty by the blood and tears. Levi curled into a ball as he wept. 

"My thousand years... with you... I shouldn't have dream about silly things like that..."       

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