Chapter 1

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"Keith, are you alright? You look tired," Shiro said. 

I nodded, "Yes I'm fine," I said and got up. 

I got to the showers and took off my shirt. I looked into the mirror and I saw a flash of purple. I blinked and it disappeared. I showered and heard the door open. Lance walked into the shower next to me. I finished, put on some more comfortable clothes and went to my room. I laid down then fell asleep. 


I was standing in the control room of the castle. All of the power was off and I looked around. The air was dark and creepy. I started walking to the door and I tripped over something. I fell then turned around to see what I tripped on. Shiro's body was lying there and there was blood everywhere. I screamed and got up. I looked around and everyone's body was on the ground. There was blood. I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood, but I could see purple underneath. I looked out the window and I saw my reflection. I was Galra. 

-Real Life-

I jumped up in a cold sweat. I checked the time and it was 1:00 am. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't have been able to sleep again. I took a cold shower, trying to forget the dream. Shiro laying there wouldn't get out of my head. There was so much blood. When I got out of the shower it was an hour later. I was getting dressed and saw a small purple splotch on my skin. I tried rubbing it off but it didn't. My heart started racing. I put my shirt on and tried to ignore it. I was walking around the halls and Shiro was there. 

"Keith what are you doing up so early?" he asked me. 

I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep. What about you?" I asked. 

"Bad dream," he said. 

I nodded and kept walking. He started walking next to me, "Keith I've noticed you acting...distant for lack of better words," he said. 

I rolled my eyes, "When am I not?" 

He stifled a laugh, "I mean more than usual. Lance brought it up to me yesterday," he said. 

I stopped, "Why does Lance care about me?" I asked. 

He shrugged, "No idea but he's right you know. You are acting more distant than usual, to a point where it's worrying us," he explained to me. 

I sighed, "I know I have. I've just had a lot on my mind," I said.

"What's wrong?" he asked. 

I shrugged, "Just been thinking about different stuff."

Lance came out of his room half asleep, "Lance, what are you doing up so early?" Shiro asked him. 

"Need to pee," he said and walked away. 

Shiro and I looked at each other then laughed. We continued walking and talking. Soon he left to go train and I went up to Red. I sighed and got into it. I took off my shirt and scanned the purple spot using the scanner system Pidge installed into all of our lions. It took a minute and a result came up. It confirmed that it was Galran skin, but it said that it was slowly spreading. I must've dozed off because I woke up to someone knocking on the lion. I went down after putting my shirt back on and Lance was standing there. 

"Took you long enough," he said. 

I rubbed my eyes, "What time is it?" I asked. 

"Eight am," he said. 

We walked to the dining table together. We started eating and it was quiet. After we ate we had a mission to go on. I got changed into my armor and got into Red. We took off. It was just me, Lance, and Pidge. We got to the planet and landed. I got out of my lion.

"Keith, what are you doing?" Pidge asked me. 


Keith didn't respond. He was walking towards one of the abandoned Galra ships. The planet had been taken over by the Galra five thousand years ago but all the planet's population disappeared, making the Galra leave. Pidge and I got out of our lions and ran over to him. He entered the ship but when we tried to a force field stopped us. 

"Keith!" I yelled out. 

"Paladins what is going on? I can't reach Keith," Allura said. 

"I don't know. He got out of Red and went into an abandoned Galra ship. He hasn't come out!" Pidge said. 

I heard Shiro sigh, "Can you two get into it?" he asked us. 

I hit the force field again, "No! There's a force field!" I said. 

Pidge grabbed a Galra robots broken arm and put it against the forcefield. It fell through. 

"Shiro it seems only Galra can enter the forcefield. You should get down here. Your Galra arm might allow you to enter through so you can get Keith," she said to him. 

"On my way," he said. 


Allura wormholed me to the planet so I would get there quicker. I landed Black and got out. Pidge nodded and I walked through the portal. I turned to them. 

"I'll be back soon," I said and ran in. 

I tried getting in contact with Keith but it was like my communication systems had been shut down by the force field, "Keith!? Keith where are you!?" I yelled out. 

There was no response so I kept walking. The ship was going to take a while to search so I kept going. 

(These chapters aren't going to be crazy long like I usually write.-AG)

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