Epilogue: Keith

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I woke up with a start. I hit my head on the roof above my bed. I growled in annoyance and then I remembered the whole dream. I reached up to rub my eyes and realized I was crying. I knew what I had to do. I got out of bed, not bothering to get dressed, then ran to Lance's room.I knocked loudly and he opened it. He looked like he had been up for an hour or two. Before he said anything I kissed him. I pulled away. 

"I had to do that. Lance, I've always loved you," I said. 

His face was red and he smiled, "Yeah and I've loved you," he said, "But what brought this on all of a sudden?"

"A dream. I'll explain at breakfast," I said. 

I got a shower and got dressed. I realized the time and went to the dining room. I sat down.

"So Keith, Lance said you had a dream last night," Shiro said. 

I nodded, "You all didn't know I was Galra. Then one day I began to turn into a Galra and I hid it. I kept having these awful nightmares. My Galra genes had awoken a month before I entered an abandoned Galra ship which just kicked them in even more. One night I woke up screaming and I had to explain them to you," I took a bite of food, "Then one day I showed Shiro the purple spot on my skin. I took his reaction the wrong way. Soon we went to this water planet and that's when you all found out," I sighed, "Only Lance had a normal reaction, the rest of you hated me. Lance and I left to a planet for Galra who didn't want to be under Zarkon's rule anymore."

"You should've known it was a dream right then," Pidge said.

I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, I decided to go back to the Castle to put an end to the judgemental crap. It didn't go as planned, but Pidge decided to leave with us. We were leaving in our lions and I was in a lot of pain so Red landed herself," I took another bite of food, "My Galra half literally separated from my body. We got back to the castle. Then we found out that the Shiro who was in the dream for the majority of the time wasn't the real Shiro, it was his clone," then I remembered me getting sick, "Then I got really sick, the Galra version of cancer. I, uh, died and you were all devasted. Lance killed the Clone. Turns out dream me was the nephew of Zarkon and they had retreated when word of me dying had gotten out. Haggar stopped supplying the clone with power," I got some water, "Then I woke up. I think the craziest thing was that I was able to see things from all of your point of views, hear your thoughts."

Everyone's eyes were widened, "Holy shit," Lance said.

"Lance!" Shiro said.

I smirked, "But I think the best thing was that Lance and I were a thing in that dream like we are now," I said. 

Pidge let out a squeal of happiness and we all laughed. 

(And that my friends, is the end of The Human Galra. I had so many different thoughts for the end of the story. But I decided to mess with my friend who reads this and pulled the "it was all a dream" cliche. Love you all, hope you enjoyed.-AG Out)

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