Chapter 6

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I saw Allura make her staff appear and I quickly shot it out of her hands, "Princess!" Coran said. 

Keith turned around and walked up to Allura, he got into her face, "Are you kidding me!? Did you ever think for a fucking second that I was hoping to make everything up! I came here to do that! To put an end to the bullshit! But instead, you tell Pidge that we're the enemy! You go to attack me, making my boyfriend shoot one of his friends!" he yelled. 

I walked over to him, "Obviously we were wrong. Let's go, Keith. Pidge are you going to come with us?" I asked her. 

She nodded, "I'll go get my things," she said and left. 

We went with her to grab anything else we left behind. 


When they walked out it was dead silent. 

"Shiro, what are we supposed to do? We can't fight with just two paladins. We need them," Hunk said, "I know the Galra have done horrible things to you three, but we should be like Pidge. They're all right, Keith didn't get to choose who his parents were." I kept quiet, "I don't like it either. Keith being a Galra and a human isn't right, but I'm going to take what they said into consideration. You three should too before it's too late."

Allura walked over to her command center, "I'm shutting off the Green, Red, and Blue Lion. They don't deserve them," she said.

I grabbed her hand, "Don't you dare." I said, "Their lions have seen their hearts, seen their intentions. If the lions believed that Keith, Lance, and Pidge didn't deserve them, they wouldn't be waiting outside for them."


We got into our lions and my head started to pound. It increasingly got worse every second. 

"Keith, what's wrong?" Lance asked using the comms system. 

I started coughing and I felt liquid on my hand. I looked at it and there was a dark purple liquid. All of a sudden Red took off the other direction with me. I got out of Red and stumbled onto the ground. My body felt like it was on fire and being ripped in half. I couldn't breathe and I fell to the ground. 


We followed the Red lion and I saw Keith on the ground. He was bloody and unconscious. I landed Blue and ran over to him. All of a sudden something shot at us. I quickly picked up Keith and dodged it. I looked and saw another Keith standing on Red's head. He was completely Galra. Pidge shot him down and I woke up Keith. He got into Red and we took off to the closest safe place, the castle. 

We landed the Lions and I helped Keith, "Look I don't give a fuck on what you have to say but Keith is in danger. We're all in danger," I said. 

Hunk ran over and helped me sit Keith down, "What's going on? Why isn't Keith a Galra?" Shiro asked. 

"Because the Galra in him separated from his body and wants to kill the real Keith," Pidge said as she grabbed a first aid kit, "And we might wanna go before he gets here."

Shiro nodded and went to make the castle take off but Allura stopped him, "No. We're staying here," she said. 

"Why!?" Pidge yelled. 

"Because if we leave the false Keith will follow again and again. If we want to save Keith's life we need to beat the fake one," she said and my eyes widened, "I'm not doing this for Keith or you or anyone. Just me."

Shiro smirked, "Sure Princess," he said. 

Keith got up and went to talk but he collapsed. I caught him and laid him down. His breathing was very shallowed and staggered. Shiro ran over. He put an ear to his chest.

"We need to get him a healing pod right now. I have a feeling there's is blood in his lungs," he said and Coran nodded. 

I lifted Keith and we got him into a pod. I was sitting there when Shiro walked in. My body immediately tensed. 

"What do you want?" I asked. He sat down next to me and I stood up, "Stop acting like you didn't do anything wrong. Keith was extremely hurt when you basically called him a monster. He cried himself to sleep for days."

Shiro sighed and stood up, crossing his arms, "I know I said some horrible things. I know I caused you both harm. What I did is inexcusable," he said. 

I scoffed, "No shit. Shiro, I looked up to you. Things will never be the same between us and you," I said. 

His eyes widened, "I'm sorry," he said. 

I rolled my eyes, "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to him. Now please leave," I said. 

He nodded and walked out. Pidge walked in past him. I sat down and she sat down next to me. 

"Is he gonna be okay?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yeah he's just got some blood in his lungs. Coran said he'll be able to come out in a few hours," I said and she nodded. 

She put her head on my shoulder, "Life was so boring with you and Keith. It was the same thing every day. I trained, ate, and tracked you two," she said. 

I looked at her, "You tracked us?" I asked. 

She nodded, "Yeah. Shiro told me to. We knew where you were for two weeks. He made me promise not to tell Hunk, Allura, or Coran. When I asked him why he wouldn't tell me," she explained to me. 

I stood up, "Keep an eye on Keith. I'll be back," I said and she nodded. 

I ran out of the room to find Shiro. He was walking ahead of me. I ran up behind him.

"Why were you having Pidge track us!?" I yelled. 

He stood and turned around, "She told you?" he asked.

"Yeah, she told me! Why the hell were you tracking us!?" I yelled.

Allura, Coran, Hunk, and Pidge were coming out of their rooms. Pidge was helping Keith walk. Shiro smirked. 

"You wanna know why? Because I was telling Lord Zarkon where his nephew was!" he said loudly and his eyes became fully yellow. 

All of a sudden the Galra Keith ran up and went back into the actual Keith. Parts of his skin turned purple and one of his eyes became yellow. He told Pidge to let go of him and walked over to Shiro. 

"That's not our Shiro! That's a fucking clone created by Zarkon! That's why there hasn't been a lot of Galra attacks lately!" Keith yelled. 

Shiro started clapping, "Took you long enough. I was honestly getting bored with the 'goody-goody' act. Until we meet again," he said and disappeared. 

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