Chapter 5

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We stood there for a minute before everyone dispersed. I went to my room and a few hours later someone knocked on my door. Pidge was standing there. She looked extremely angry. 

"Pidge? What's wrong?" I asked. 

"What's wrong!? You seriously think you need to ask that!? I get that Keith is Galra and I get that the Galra has done horrible things to all of us but DAMMIT SHIRO HE'S STILL KEITH!" she yelled, "I don't give a damn what the Galra have done to you, Allura, Coran, or myself for that matter. He is not the Galra we fight. he is family!"

I got up from my seat and walked over to her, "Pidge I understand how angry you are and why but Allura and I's decision is final," I said. 

She punched me, but it didn't really hurt, "I looked up to you Shiro! I saw you as my dad! I'll be with Green if you need me," she said and wiped her tears.

I watched her walk down the hall. Allura tried to talk to her but Pidge snapped on her. Allura walked over to me. 

"Is she alright?" she asked me. 

I sighed, "No. She's very angry right now. She wants Keith and Lance back," I said. 

Allura sighed, "That's not going to happen," she said.

"I know. What do you need Allura?" I asked. 

"I can pilot the Blue Lion, but without Lance, nobody can pilot the Red lion," she said and I nodded.

I didn't like the idea, "What about Coran?" I asked. 

She laughed, "Are you serious? The Red lion would never bond with him," she said. 


I woke up and we landed on a planet. It was a sanctuary for Galra's who didn't want to be under Zarkon's rule anymore. Nobody truly knew about it except me. I helped a Galra family get there one day and they told me I was always welcomed. I woke up Keith. 

"Hey buddy," I smiled softly, "We've landed in a safe place."

He woke up fully and we grabbed our things. I led him to the free apartment that was given to us. I unlocked the door and the mother from the Galra family I helped was there. 

"Lance it's good to see you! What brings you back?" she asked. 

I sighed, "We need a safe place to say. I'm sure you know Keith," I said and stepped to the side. 

She walked over and hugged Keith, "It's so good to meet you in person Keith, but wait, how are you Galra?" she asked. 

Keith sighed, "I was born half Galra. That side of me family awoken and I turned Galra...I was kicked out of Voltron," he said and his eyes teared up. 

She brought him into another hug, "Keith how would you feel about meeting your biggest fan? He's my son," she said with a soft smile. 

I saw Keith's eyes light up. He nodded and she left. She came back with her son. 

"M-My name is Tyrish," he said in a small, nervous voice. 

Keith knelt down, "It's good to meet you Tyrish. I'm Keith," he said and smiled. 

The little boys face lit up, "No way! You're awesome!" he said and jumped up and down. 

Keith let out a laugh which made my heart melt. After an hour they left and we unpacked. I walked over to Keith. 

"How is your arm?" I asked. 

He shrugged and started unwrapping it. The stitches were gone and all that was left was a nasty scar. He sighed when he looked at it. I made him look at me. 

"What?" he asked. 

"Don't be ashamed of that scar. I think it makes you look like a badass," I said and smiled. 

He pulled me into a kiss and pulled away. We went out to get something to eat. 

-Keith-4 Weeks Later-

We got home and Lance started watching tv and I went into the bathroom. I removed my shirt and looked at my reflection. I put on my normal clothes and tied up my hair. 

"Lance, get ready," I said. 

He jumped up, "Where are we going?" he asked. 

"To the damn castle," I said. 

He stood up, "Why?" he asked.

I growled, "Because I'm not dealing with this judgemental bullshit!" I yelled. 

His eyes widened, "Keith I don't think that's a good idea," he said. 

I turned to him and sighed, "I have to do this. We need our lions back and if that means going to the Castle, getting attacked, and having to attack then so fucking be it," I said. 

He nodded and got ready. I had accepted the Galra in me, it was time they did too. 


We were in the command unit, the Galra had gone oddly silent. Alarms started going off and Red and Blue had flown out of their hangar. I looked through the windows in the command room to see them flying towards an escape pod of the castle's. I knew who it was. The others ran in.

"They're back," I said. 

I saw Pidge's face light up, "Pidge why are you excited about their return? They betrayed us!" Allura said. 

She gave Allura an angry look which made Allura be quiet. Pidge had been nonstop training since Keith and Lance left, she had gotten a lot stronger. She had grown her hair out and it reached her shoulders. We let the two enter we walked over to Allura who was in her spot. They entered and my heart shattered when I saw Keith was still Galran. 

Pidge ran over to me, "I've missed you both so much!" she said and hugged them.

They smiled and hugged her, "I'm glad we still have you Pidge," Lance said. 

Our eyes met, Lance and Keith's eyes had pure anger in them. Pidge pulled away from them. 

"Pidge come here," Allura said, "They are the enemy."

Pidge scoffed, "No Allura! They aren't! You made them the enemy because of something Keith couldn't control. I thought Alteans were caring and understanding, but obviously I was wrong."


I got in front of Pidge and Lance, "Lance and I have come back to put an end to this. I can't help who I was born too. I can't help what runs through my veins," I said, "I hated myself for being Galra, I wanted to die honestly. I was terrified that you all would hate me, and I was right. Lance has been there for me since we left, he gave me a safe place to live out the rest of my days with him. But here we are," I took a deep breath and walked closer, "I am Galra. I am human. I am the Red Paladin. The Red Lion belongs to me. Lance is human. He's the Blue Paladin. The Blue Lion belongs to him and we're taking them with us. Pidge is welcome to join us," I said and turned. 

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