Chapter 3

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Shiro was stitching my arm since I had denied a healing pod, "I have been getting nightmares for a while now, night terrors if you will. It's the same thing, just sometimes it's a different scenario," I said and sighed, "It's me, but I'm Galra and I've killed all of you. Last night was the worst one. One of you, I can't remember who," I lied, "Came back and told me I was scum, that I didn't deserve anything. Not the Red lion, all of you, everything."

"What happened to your arm?" Allura asked. 

I shrugged, earning a growl of annoyance from Shiro, "I don't know. It wasn't like this before I fell asleep."

"Yeah the only wound you had was on your stomach," Lance said, realizing what he said. 

Pidge looked at me in worry, "What wound?" she asked me. 

I sighed and lifted up my shirt to show the bandage but Shiro started talking, "He was hallucinating purple skin where the wound is. We found him after he had cut himself with a pocket knife," he said quickly. 

I put my shirt back down and looked at my feet, "I don't know what's happening to me," I lied. 

I knew full well what was happening to me. The Galra blood in my veins had awoken when I awoke the blade from my mother. They were beginning to take over and my human side was disappearing. I couldn't tell them. They would think I was a monster. My eyelids felt heavy and I dozed off. When I woke up I was in my bed, I got up. I walked outside to go to the bathroom and Lance was sitting on the ground next to my door. 

"Good, you're awake," he said and stretched. 

My arm was very sore, "What are you doing here?" I asked. 

He pushed me into my room, "You're Galra, aren't you?" he asked. 

My heart started racing and the world started spinning, "What are you talking about?" I asked. 

He let out a small chuckle, "You need to put a password on your computer. I saw all the tests, Keith. All the blood sample results," he said and stepped towards me, "I don't care what you are. You are Keith. You are the Red Paladin. Whether you're human or half Galra."

I met his eyes, "You can't tell anyone. Please," I said. 

"You're asking me to keep a huge thing like this a secret from the others?" he asked me and I nodded, "Keith we've got to tell them."

"Are you crazy!? They'll hate me! Allura, Coran, Shiro, everyone!" I said loudly. 

He brought me into a hug, "And why do you think that Keith?" he asked. 

I pulled away from him, "The Galra killed all the Alteans! They kidnapped Shiro and took away his arm, they tortured him. They kidnapped Pidge's family. Hunk...he knows the Galra are evil," I said quickly. 

I couldn't get enough air into my lungs and everything was spinning. He grabbed my shoulders. 

"Keith, you need to calm down alright?" he said, or at least that's what it sounded like. 

His voice sounded muffled and I couldn't really understand what he said. His eyes met mine and he sighed. All of a sudden he kissed me. When he pulled away I calm. 

"I, uh, remembered that when people have a panic attack it calms them down...s-sorry," he stuttered out. 

I shook my head and grabbed his collar, "Don't be sorry," I said and planted my lips on his then pulled away, "I never wanted to be your 'arch enemy' as you called me."

All of a sudden he let out a laugh, "Pidge has these things called ships. She calls our ship Klance. How about we make Klance a reality?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'm fine with that," I said. 

-Next Day-

I woke up and went to the bathroom to shower. I took off my shirt, wincing from the stitches being pulled. I walked past the mirror and stopped. I looked at my whole side was purple. I called Lance in and he stopped when he saw it. 

"We're supposed to go to that water planet today for a break," I said. 

He nodded, "I know. You could just say you can't swim because of your arm," he suggested. 

I sighed, "I'm gonna have to. Damn. I was really hoping to swim too," I said. 

Lance laughed a little, "I know. Get your shower. I need to go help out Hunk with packing a lunch for all of us," he said then walked out. 

I showered, rebandaged my arm, and headed out. I was standing in the lounge by the door, waiting for everyone since I was the first one done getting ready. Lance came up behind me and hugged. We heard  a squeal and saw Pidge standing there, a huge smile on her face. We looked at each other then laughed. 

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