Chapter 4

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We got to the planet and Lance took off to the water. I sighed and Shiro smiled at me. My hair had gotten longer and I tied it up to relieve the heat on my neck. 

"You are dating a handful," he said and my eyes widened, "Pidge couldn't keep quiet."

I rolled my eyes, "I figured," I said and we walked down.

Everyone got into the water and I made myself comfortable on the shore. It wasn't sand, but it was a soft, crystal-like material. Lance and Pidge were trying to dunk Hunk, but failing miserably. I sighed and lifted up my shirt a smidge. I still saw the purple, but quickly put my shirt back down when I saw Allura walking up. 

She smiled at me, "Aren't you getting in?" she asked. 

I sighed, "I wish I could but my arm is really sore," I lied. 

She grabbed something out of her bag, "I figured you would've said that. Take off your shirt, this will numb the soreness for a while. Once it wears off I can reapply it for you," she said and smiled. 

"No thanks," I said, "Not really fond of water."

She rolled her eyes, "Oh really? I remember you getting very happy when I explained that we were coming here. I believe you said you hadn't gone swimming in years and had been wanting to," she explained. 

I cussed at myself, "Seriously I'll be fine," I said and got up. 

"Keith come on. You were so excited when you found out," she said, her expression becoming sad. 

I got angry, "Leave me alone! I don't want to go swimming!" I yelled, my voice going deeper. 

Lance ran over to me and my stomach started to burn, "Keith come with me right now," he whispered to me, "It's spreading onto your neck."

Shiro ran over. Lance untied my hair and we walked away. We got into the bathrooms which were empty luckily. I took off my shirt quickly and Lance's eyes widened.

I growled, "It feels like my skin is on fire," I said through my teeth as it spread. 

He ran out and came back with a cold water bottle. He opened it and poured the water onto my back. The pain subsided but the purple color didn't go away. I put my back against the wall and sat down. 

"Are you alright?" he asked. 

"How am I supposed to hide this Lance? It's on my arms and neck," I said. 

He ruffled my hair, "We'll figure this out," he said and tossed my shirt. 

I put it back on and he grabbed gauze out of his pocket. He wrapped it around the purple on my wounded arm. The purple on the other arm was still hidden by the shirt luckily. We walked back to the others. Allura was crying and she looked scared. I was behind Lance, terrified that they saw the purple. 

"What's going on?" Lance asked. 

Hunk looked at me, "Keith...Allura said she saw the purple skin on your neck," he said. 

My heart stopped but I tried to remain calm, "Purple skin? Like Galra? Princess you've gotta be kidding me," I said. 

Shiro sighed and walked over to Lance and me, "Step aside Lance," he said and Lance didn't move, "Keith remove your shirt. Now," he said. 

Lance got angry, "Why the hell would he have to do that!?" he asked Shiro. 

I grabbed Lance's wrist and he looked at me. His eyes said one thing: to run. I nodded and took off, the crystal sand being kicked up. 

"Keith!" Pidge yelled. 

I tripped and cut my leg open on a sharp rock that I didn't see before. They ran over to me and I realized my shirt was lifted. I tried to cover it but Shiro grabbed my arm. He lifted up my shirt. 

"What the hell is this!?" Shiro said. 

Lance got his hand from my wrist, "Back off Shiro!" he yelled, "We'll be at the castle. Just stay here alright?" he asked. 

Shiro shut his eyes and then reopened them, nodding. Lance put me on his back and we walked to the castle. He helped me patch my leg. I felt hot tears streaming down my face. I took off my shirt to let the cold air hit it since still felt hot. We heard people walk into the castle and I froze. The others didn't listen to Lance and they saw me crying. They also saw my skin. I froze but snapped out of it too quickly put on my shirt. Lance stopped me. He stood up, standing in front of me. 

"I don't give a fuck on what you have to say. Keith is still Keith whether he has purple skin or not. I know the Galra has harmed you all in one way or another. Directly or indirectly," he said. 

Allura's eyes widened and she made Lance's Bayard appear. Our eyes widen and she attacked me. Lance grabbed it and it became his gun. 

"Are you kidding me!? Shiro say something!" he yelled. 


I heard Keith groan in pain and something crashed. I turned around to see any of his normal skin turning purple and his ears became Galra ears. 

"Keith..." I said. 

His eyes snapped open and they were yellow. I heard Hunk's gun power up. I grabbed Keith and ran to our room. I grabbed our clothes and other things we needed, got into a pod, and took off. I looked over after flying for a while and saw that Keith was hiding underneath his hood. 

"Keith uncover yourself. I happen to think you look adorable," I said with a smile. 

He slowly pushed down a hood and I reached over, I petted his ears and he blushed. I laughed but then he started crying. I stopped the pod in a safe place and went the back where he was sitting. I brought him into my lap. 

"They hate me, Lance," he said.

"Don't worry about them. We won't deal with them ever again," I said. 

"But what about Red and Blue?" he said quietly. 

I sighed, "I'll think of something. I promise. I know how much Red means to you."

We fell asleep. 

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