Chapter 2

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"Keith! Where are you!?" I yelled out.

I had been on the ship for a good hour. I got to the command unit and Keith was standing there. 

"Shiro...look at this," he said. 

I walked over and saw nothing on the console, "I don't get it. What am I supposed to be seeing Keith? This place has no power," I said. 

His eyes were dull and sort of glossed over, "What do you mean this place has no power? The screen is on!" he said loudly. 

"Sorry in advance Keith," I said and knocked him out. 

I got outside of the ship and Lance looked at me with wide eyes, "What happened?"

I sighed, "It was like he was under some sort of spell. He wasn't acting right," I said. 

We got back to the castle and put him in a healing pod. I was sitting in the lounge reading when Lance came up to me. 

"What did he say in there?" he asked, he looked confused yet very serious. 

I put my book down, "He thought the power in the ship was on. He wasn't acting like himself at all," I explained to him. 

Lance pulled something out of his back pocket and tossed it to me. It was a small blade, dagger-like, and I pulled it out of its sheath. It had a Blade of Marmora insignia on it. It looks like it hadn't gone through many battles. It had a few knicks, but nothing major. 

"That was in Red. Why the hell does he have a Marmora blade?" he asked me, he looked kind of angry. 

I remembered Keith having it on Earth and I grew confused, "I have no idea. He had this on Earth before the Kerberos mission," I said. 

Allura walked in, "Keith is awake. He is very confused on why he was in a healing pod. He has been asking for you Shiro," she said with a sad smile. 

I cocked my head, "What else?" I asked. 

She looked down on the ground, "He's in a state of panic. He won't speak to us unless he's asking for you."

I sat up and handed the blade to Lance. I told him to go put it back where he found it in Red then headed to the healing room. I asked everyone to leave than went over to Keith, who was sitting on the stairs. I sat down beside him. 

"Hey buddy," I said. 

He looked up from the glass of water he was holding, "Shiro?" he said. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

He lifted up his shirt and I saw a purple splotch. 


His eyes widened, "Keith what is that?" he asked. 

I took a shaky breath, "It's my's Galra," I explained, "Shiro...I'm half Galra. I've known since I got Red. When we bonded I found out."

Shiro was silent, the expression on his face was complete disbelief. I got up and ran off. I got to my room, slammed the door shirt, and ripped my shirt off. I grabbed a small pocket knife I had on my desk and unfolded it. I muffled screams of pain as I sliced through the purple splotch. I heard banging on the door. 

"One minute!" I yelled out.

I quickly stitched the wound, bandaged it, and hid the knife. I opened my door and Lance was standing there with Shiro. They both looked worried. I shut my door quickly and they started banging on my door again. 

"Keith open up! Lance said he thought he heard you in pain!" Shiro yelled out. 

My heart was racing. I couldn't breathe. Lance heard me and I would have to explain to him what I was doing and why. I quickly took a deep breath and opened the door. 

"I'm fine. I promise," I said.

Lance's eyes met mine, "Keith if something is wrong you need to tell us. We don't know what happened to you in that ship," he said softly. 

He reached out to me and I quickly took a step back, "I told you I'm fine. Since when do you care about me anyway!?" I asked loudly. 

Shiro sighed, "Keith. Lift up your shirt. Now," he said sternly. 

I scoffed, "Why?" I asked. 

He took a step into my room, causing me to back up, "Now Keith!" he said. 

I knew I couldn't get out of it now. I hesitantly lifted up my shirt and Shiro and Lance's eyes widened. 

"Keith, what happened?" Lance asked. 

I looked at Shiro who told Lance to leave, "Explain. Now," he said one Lance left, "Actually before that, tell me what you were trying to show me in the healing pod room. All I saw was normal skin, no purple," he said. 

My eyes widened, "That's what happened. When I saw the look on your face I panicked so I took my knife and tried to cut it out," I stated. 

He sighed and went over to my desk. He opened the drawer and took the knife out of it. He used his Galra arm to crush it then threw it away. 

"Take the bandage off. I want to make sure you stitched it correctly," he said. 

I growled in annoyance but complied. He looked at it for a minute then nodded. 

"Am I good Shiro?" I asked. 

"Yes. I won't tell anyone and I'll make sure Lance doesn't either," he placed a hand on my shoulder, "Keith, next time you think harming yourself in a good idea, come to me."

He left. I sighed and fell onto my bed, landing on my back. I curled up, wincing at the pain a bit then fell asleep. 


I was back in the command room, the power out again. I fell to my knees, the bodies of my friends and teammates surrounding me. I started screaming in sadness and tears were rushing down my face. The drops made clean circles in my armor which had blood all over it. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't want to!" I screamed out, tearing my vocal chords to shreds. 

All of a sudden someone's hands clasped around my throat. Lance was standing there, tears streaming down his face. He was angry and covered in blood. I saw a deep, messy gash in his throat. 

"You caused this! You killed us!" he yelled, "You're disgusting Galra scum! You never deserved the Red lion! You never deserved our friendship! YOU NEVER DESERVED ME!"

I started screaming again. 

-Real Life-

I jumped up, my arm was scratched and bleeding heavily. Lance ran in and he looked worried and scared. 

"Keith, what's wrong!? You were screaming!" he said then saw my arm, "Keith what did you do?"

He came over to me and I retreated into the corner of my bed. He grabbed my hand and showed me my fingertips which had blood on them. I jerked my hand away from him. I took off down the hall, holding my arm, running past everyone. I saw a flash of green and saw the whip on Pidge's Bayard wrap around me. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain when I landed on my wounded arm. They ran over to me and Pidge unwrapped me. 

"You need to explain what is going on," Shiro said.

I sighed and looked at them. 

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