Chapter 7

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After the fake Shiro disappeared we just stood there. Allura looked at Keith. 

"You're the nephew of Zarkon!?" she yelled. 

Keith backed into me, "He didn't know! Allura he doesn't even know who his mother is!" I said, "This is hard for him. I know they Galra did bad things to you Princess...but please, Keith isn't the Galra. He may be Galran, but he isn't the same type of Galra that are under Zarkon's rule."

She took a deep breath, "Keith answer me honestly. How long did you know you were Galran?" she asked him. 

He sighed, "I had known for about a month before my skin started turning purple but I knew you would react badly which is why I kept to myself," he explained, "Lance found out because he went through my computer without permission." I stifled a laugh, "Allura, Coran, I know the Galra did a horrible thing to you. But don't you think if I was planning on turning on you I would've done it already?" I could tell he was angry, he turned completely purple again. 

Coran's eyes widened, "You're right. I'm sorry for how I've acted Keith it was wrong to assume," he said. 

Keith let out a small smile, "Princess?" I said. 

She sighed, "I need some time to think," she said and walked. 

Keith's skin went back to normal and he sighed. 

I realized Keith was pale, "Keith what's wrong?" I asked. 

He didn't answer me, "Keith?" Hunk said. 

Pidge went up to him, "Keith say something," she said softly. 

He shook his head, "I'm fine," he said. 

"Keith you're extremely pale. You need to sit down," Hunk said. 

"I promise I'm fine. Just tired. I'll go get some rest," he said and walked away. 

I sighed as he walked away. Pidge asked me to finish a video game with her so we walked to the new game room she had made an empty room into. I sat down on a pillow and started playing. We kept dying over and over again. For a moment it was like nothing was wrong anymore. Like we were at peace for once in our lives since we left Earth. We finished the boss and decided to relax in the room for a while. 

"Hey, Pidge?" I asked. 

She looked up, "Yeah?" she asked. 

I sighed, "It's been almost two years since we left Earth. What do you think our parents are thinking back on Earth?" I asked her.

She sighed and laid down, "Honestly, even though I hate to say it, we've probably been put down as killed in action even though we were just cadets. Maybe once this is over we can high tail it to Earth for a while."

I wiped away tears that were forming, "God my mom must be miserable now," I said. 

"My mom is probably very lonely. She knew that I had snuck back into the Garrison under a different name and gender. She was so against it but I did it anyway," she said with a small laugh, "I wanted to find Matt and Dad before going back to Earth, but I don't think that's a possibility as of right now."

We heard a thud outside and got up. I saw Keith trying to get back up, he was covered in sweat to where it was dripping off of his nose. I ran over to him. Pidge helped me get him up. 

"Keith, what happened?" I asked. 

He took a shaky breath, "I got really hot so I was gonna go get some water. The room started spinning and I guess I lost my footing," he said. 

We got him back to his room. I told Pidge to go get him some water and made him lay back down. I saw a spot of red on his pillowcase. 

"Is that blood?" I asked. 

He looked at it, "I don't know," he said. 

I helped him sit up and I saw blood in his ear. I grabbed a wet rag and wiped it off. I called Coran in and he checked in Keith. He told me to step outside so I did. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

He sighed and his eyes met mine, all I saw was sadness, "Keith is sick with something only Galra can get. It's what you humans call cancer except they haven't found anything to cure it or help the person," he said, "I'm sorry Lance, but Keith isn't going to make it. It's progressed very seems he's had it for months."

I started crying and Coran brought me into a hug. After a minute I pulled away from him.

"We need to tell Keith...then the others," I said quietly and he nodded.

We walked in and Keith was sitting up in his bed messing with his blade, "Keith, I know what you are sick with...but the outcome is not good," Coran said. 

He looked up, "What is it?" he asked. 

"You are sick with the Galra equivalent of human cancer. There is no cure, no way to help it go away. I'm sorry...but you don't have a lot of time left. I say a day or two," he explained. 

My eyes widened, "We need to find the real Shiro. I want him here when I go," Keith said. 

Allura walked in, "That won't be an issue. Pidge has located him. Apparently the armor the clone wasn't the real set. The Black lion has taken off to get him," she said, "May I get a moment alone with Keith?" she asked. 

I sighed and we walked out. 


I was in a lot of pain. My whole body just wanted to collapse but I didn't want Lance to see how much pain I was in. 

"What do you need Allura?" I asked. 

All of a sudden she hugged me, "I'm sorry. I have done a lot of thinking. My actions were not right, I was in a state of shock. I sincerely hope you can forgive me," she said.

 I smiled, "Of course. I know the Galra didn't do good things to you and Coran or your people. Your reaction was expected," I said. 

She smiled. 

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