Day 32.2

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Sorry if i took long to update it. Projects and assignments probably the reason i took long to publish it. Anyways, i hope you understand it and SORRY IF I WILL HURT YOU THIS TIME X-P


"Fvck! I'm literally fvcked up, Felix!" I cried as i covering my face in my palms. I try not to be so loud because we're here at the cafe.

"Wait, what's the matter? What happened?" Felix asked while comforting me.

"I-i can't believe it.." I said.

"Believe what? Is this all about about Mark?" He ask. I shook my head as tears flowing down to my face. "Shh.. calm down. You can say it to me."

I looked up to him as i try to say it..

I try to say it to him but, i'm too scared. I don't want to let Mark know this.

"I-i.. uh.. shit." I cried again. This time, more tears are escaping my eyes. So i cover them with my palm again.

"Shh.. calm down, Sean." Felix cooed. "Come on, say it."

"I c-can't Felix.. i'm too scared."

"Sean, you can. No matter what you were gonna say, it's fine to me. I can keep it." Felix said. I slowly pulling of my hands to my face and looked up to him. "So please, say it. I want to help bud."

"Okay.." I nodded. I took a deep breath and i wiped my tears before i say to Felix the thing.

"Felix, my parents are senting me back to Ireland- Felix p-please don't shout." I hold his hand to calm him down. He stood up in shock.


"Felix please! C-calm down." I pleaded. Tears flowing down again on my eyes. I pleaded him too to stay on his seat because some of the customers in the shop are looking at us.

"Felix please, i-i can't say it to Mark. I-i'm too scared.." I said, stuttering in the tears.

He shook his head and he hold his cheeks.

"Man! A-are you serious?" He asked, still in shock.

"What's the point o-of saying this to you if i'm not joking?" I said. I covered again my face with my hands, sobbing.

"Sean, let's talk this in your apartment. I don't want to be kicked out again in this stupid cafe."


"Sean? Are their insane?! Senting you back there for no reason?" He exclaimed while walking around the table.

"No, Felix. T-the reason why they senting back to Ireland is because, they have something really important thing to say to me." I explain, holding my head.

"What the?! Sean! Are your parents are still in the mideavial time?!"

"What do you mean?" I said, looking up to him.

"Sean! Phones! Technology! Oh my god!" He said, throwing his hands in the air.

"No, your not getting my point. They said it is really important and i can't deny it."

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