Day 19.2

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"T-the girl you'd say to me?" I feel my vision are starting to blurry because of the water trying to escape on my eyes. But i'd manage to back them off.

"Y-yeah.." He sobbed as i continuing to rub his back.

This is shit! My thought said. The situation was getting worse because of this girl!

"What happened?" I calmnly said.

"When s-she find out that i have this s-stupid depression, plus this fvcking anxiety, she said that she want to break up with me." He sobbed. "What do i don't understand is, she broke up with me because of this stupid depression thing and that! She's so unfair!"

"Shhh.. c-calm down Mark.." I cooed but he keep sobbing. I can feel anytime my tears can fall because of the situation.


"Mark! Please calm the fvcking down!" I exclaimed. I hold his two hands and he looked up to me.

"Look, i didn't know that.. that girl and you have a thing and please calm down! We're on the outside park and anyone will might hear you!" I explained, but in my higher, angry, disappointed tone. "And please! Don't cry at that girl that is so immature and childish! Breaking up because of your.. depression and anxiety! How stupid she is!"

"S-sean... i'm sorry.." He sobbed again. "I'm sorry if i didn't say to you about us.. i-i just..urgh!"

I don't know what to say.

"It's fine Mark. Don't worry." I said.

He wiped his tears using the sleeve of his hoddie, and he let out a weak smile.

"Thank you for being so caring Sean. But, i'm still sorry for not saying about us. I-i'm a selfish shit!" He said, and sobbed again.

"Shhh.. that's enough Mark. It's fine to me. The important is, you'd say to me your problems." I calmed.

He looked up to me with a confuse look. "Problems?"

"Yeah. You said to me that you have a deep depression and anxiety, right? And i bet that's the reason why are you always at the park at midnight." I explained.

He face palmed himself. "Shit."

He put down his hand and he hold my shoulder.

"Sean, i'm very sorry if i didn't say to you the truth. I-i'm just confused and scared these past few days and right now." He said. Tears flowing down again on his eyes through down on his cheeks.

I hold his hand and put it down, still holding.

"Mark, it's fine. Just always remember, i'm always here to help you on your problems. Not just me, but all of us will always here to help you." I said and as i pretend to smile. I tried my best to smile.

"Thank you Sean. You're a really, really good friend. I know we just met this past few weeks, but i feel like you're special to me. Because you help me alot." He said.

I froze for a minute, but come back to the reality when he waved his hand.

"Sean? Are you there?" I shaked my head off and smiled.

"Yeah, i'm sorry." I replied. "So, are you feeling good now?"

"I-i don't know, but i hope soon." He said. "By the way, do you want some help on your Youtube channel?"

Oh fvck, i forget about that thing!

"I think i need. I-i don't know how it works." I chuckled and rub the back of my neck.

He laughed too and he looked at me. "Yeah, probably you need one."

I looked up on the sky and stare at the dark gaze of the clouds and some stars. It's really relaxing when you stare at the sky.

"I think we should go Mark, it is really late." I said and stood up. I helped him to get up and he tap my shoulder.

"If you say so." He chuckled softly, and we started walking.

It's hard to say but, i think i'm jealousing. I don't know if it's true but it's hard to explain. But i need to be happy right now to cheer him up. Because he needs to.

To that Amy girl? She's a crazy girl. How in the world she broke up with Mark! That is literally stupid. Breaking up because on his depression and anxiety? She's crazy.

But even if i'm jealous about that girl, i feel relieve because Mark was single again, but very vulnerable right now.

"Are you okay Sean?" I looked up to him. I nodded and looked down again.

I don't know if i'm okay. I'm confused, and shit right now.


Just and update guys:

So, yeah, sorry for late update again. I don't know if this chapter was going on the flow. I don't know what to write because i'm shit. So i'm sorry. I'd better fix it if its not on the flow. I'm sorry.

Btw, thanks for 200 plus reads, i'd appreciate it❤

So i think that's for all, well see you again on the next chapter.

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