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 Trigger Warning this chapter contains content including self-harm, suicide, and panic attacks, if it bothers you skip over the flashback.

  Quick A/N About the Request Winner!!! *drumroll please* The winner is |_editorsmistake| comment what story you want or instant message me! (if the winner can't respond within the next 72 hours then I will have to pick a new request winner!!) ok now here is your long awaited chapter, I'm sorry lol.

   "Noah where the hell are you taking me," you asked with a small tone of annoyance in your voice as Noah and Millie ushered you through multiple hallways and rooms, probably to make your head confused about where you were going. "Almost there," Millie said with such excitement in her voice. You finally entered a room where you heard multiple giggles and "SHHH's". As soon as the blindfold was untied and taken off of your head you saw all of the cast, the duffer brothers, and a few of the sfx crew standing in front of you with a white cake covered in sprinkles and candles with the number 14 on it.

  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they all screamed while smiling. You couldn't move, it felt as if a red hot metal pole was going through your heart, and suddenly everything went all fuzzy and black... after awhile you could still hear people and think, but you couldn't do anything really. No seeing, no talking, no moving. You still were sort of frozen from the moment people surprised you, you know they all meant well, but your birthday was never really celebrated after your father committed suicide on your birthday. 

flashback .... warning

You were so excited for the day you turned 8,  you and your family were gonna go to the pet store and you could get your first pet, a goldfish. As you lied in bed thinking about what you would name it, you heard a crash coming from the bathroom, you thought nothing of it assuming it was your mom taking a shower or something. You got up and put on your most favorite dress and brushed your hair, as you walked into the bathroom ready to brush your teeth, you saw your father face down in the bathtub filled with bloody water, and a knife on the side edge of the tub. 

Flashback ended

  You heard Noah crying and you felt someone holding your hand. "Y/N please wake up, please" he pleaded with a sniffle. You suddenly gained the power to squeeze his hand, "Oh my god, oh my god... I NEED A DOCTOR!!!" Noah yelled and you heard more than one person's footsteps rush into the room and give you a shot with a rather large needle, You suddenly gained the power to open your eyes, and look around "Y/N oh my god you scared me to death" as he quickly pulled you into a hug that you will never forget, It wasn't some crappy fake hug that your extended family gives you, it was a really good hug. "I-I'm sorry about what happened" he stammered while still not letting go of you. "It's ok," you didn't know" you whispered into his ear. "I love you y/n" he whispered "I love you to Noah," you said back

528 words

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