Chapter Five:

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Caroline's POV

I can't believe what I see! Its a little weird haha but "It's an Onesie!!" I shout "Yasss, we know you always wanted one so here it is" Karen says "You knew about this" I turn around and see everyone smiling "We all knew about it" My aunt says. They can keep secrets really, really well. "Put it on!" My grandma tells "Okay, but just for you" I smile and put the onesie on. Its amazing that they bought me this, is a big pink dinosaur onesie. And better of all: Is mine! When I see the box again there's an envelope. Another letter? God no please. "What's this?" Everyone look at everyone "I don't know, open it" I take it and its a little heavy. What's here? Maybe another key haha. I open it and nope there's not another key. "WHAT?!" i think I shout really loud. There are two airplane tickets to Vegas, Oh my freaking god. "Well, I think she like it" My mom says. "Are ypu kidding me? I LOVE it!!" I hug everyone and start to fangirl, literally. "Who's gping with me?" I can't choose just one person to come with me, is cruel. "Me" Karen is beside me and her voice is too quiet. "What?!" This day its full of surprises.

Karen's POV

"Yeah, I'm going with ya!" I hug her and smile "Omg, thank you again!" Caroline says. "Everything for my bestie" I say. The rest of the family goes downstairs and leave me with Caroline and her aunt Jossie. "We both are going with you!" Jossie says and I see Caroline's face iluminating. "Really?! You are the best aunt!" She hug her aunt and we three go downstairs too. Caroline say bye to some members of her fam and we all start to talk. There's another surprise but she's gonna find it when we arrive to Vegas.

Caroline's POV

I turn and all I see is the girls sleeping on weird posses. Last night was the best, the best birthday ever. I can't believe that I'm going to Vegas! Oh my god, that was my dream since I was like 6 years old. I need to pee so yeah lets get up. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face. When I come back to the room all the girls are already wake up. "How did the birthday girl sleep?" My friend Silvanna asks "Actually really good, thanks love" I reply "I'm hungry, if we make the breakfast for everyone?" another girl say "Yeah, lets go!" We run downstairs and go to the kitchen to start. "I want something with bacon" I say "What you think about chocolate waffles with bacon?" Ale asks "Sounds great!" We prepare the breakfast and serve some juice, put all on the table and even put my parents and sis breakfast. "I'm going to wake them up" I say while I walk upstairs. I go to my parents room and wake them up "Breakfast is ready" I say. I do same with my sis and walk downstairs. All the girls are around the table and talking. I sit and like five seconds ago my parents are eating with us. We joke and talk and everything. "Umm honey, did you check when your flight goes?" my mom says "Umm nope" She check her watch and tell me "Well it goes on two hours, better go pack!" "What? is today?" They all look at me and nod. "Yes silly! We'll help ypu to pack" Silvanna says. "We wash the dishes no problem! Go pack quick" My dad says and we all run upstairs. I take my daisy's suitcase from the closet and put it on the bed. "Well, lets get started!" I say. I pick some outfits and shoes. Also put my makeup on my makeup bag and take some accesories and hats. "I think you're ready but better take a shower" Ale says while push me into the bathroom. "We're picking you an outfit, just get a shower bae!" They say and close the door. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth and put some makeup, i don't know how I suppose to look when I'm going to fly but whatever. I go out with a towel around me and see what they picked to me. Its a gorgeous outfit. Black leggings with an Iron Man sweatshirt and white tennis. They also picked me a red bow to add some color. "You like it?" They say "I love it, thanks!" "We took the fredoom to add some things to your bag" Karen says "Oh! And your suitcase?" I ask to her, I forgot about she's going with me. "Its already on the car!" She laugh and we all go downstairs where my parents are waiting for us. "Well lets go!" I'm nervious about this but I also love it, what's going to happen?

《Hello y'all !! Well hope you like this short chapter, I'll do marathon soon promise! Love you bunches♡ Comment, share and vote if you like it!》

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