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~ I honestly don't know where this is going but I really hope you like the first one
This has slight smut in, if you don't like it, please don't read.
The reason this is full smut is because I don't know whether or not you would like it. Let me know and remember if you want your story here request away.


It was another similar day, one of many yet to come. Akashi was once again late home from work and Kuroko was getting impatient. He had cooked a nice meal for Seijuro in time for when he comes home at 6, but unfortunately it had gone cold while waiting.

The ticking of the clock did nothing to ease bluenette's mind and he sat on the sofa with one leg crossed over the other. The one leg that was resting on the other continually swung back and forth. His armed were crossed and his fingers tapped away at his bicep in wait.

It only got worse when the clock stroked midnight, he turned his gaze to the door and awaited the click of the lock.

Around fifteen minutes later the fated click was sound and the door opened without further noise, in walked Akashi and for once the strong gaze he always held was cast away as he met the eyes of his fiancé. Akashi could tell his love was mad beyond belief and he also knew that not much could sooth the anger that was emitting from him.

He spoke timidly, not something you would expect from an intimidating person such as himself "Tetsuya, what are you still doing up"

As soon as the words left his mouth he realised his mistake. Shit he thought and awkwardly averted his gaze.

"Seijuro" Tetsuya drew out his name as long as he could, and this only made said person gulp in anxiousness.

"Yes baby" he nervously replied and made his way over to his lover. Instead of being a normal citizen and sitting next to his fiancé, he did the only thing he could think of that would sooth some of his lover's anger. He sat on the floor right in front of Tetsuya.

Just before Seijuro sat on the floor, Kuroko uncrossed his legs. Akashi sat on his knees and rested his head on Kuroko's lap, another way of Seijuro saying he was sorry. Tetsuya saw the regret on Akashi's face and plopped his hand on top of Akashi's head. Stroking the longish hair out of his eyes and threading his small hands in the strands.

"I'm sorry baby, we had a long meeting that was unscheduled" Seijuro tried to explain himself, pure sadness in his tone. Tetsuya's rage calmed at the upset tone his lover had and placed one of his small hands on his cheek.

"It's okay I forgive you, I always forget that you are the CEO of the company" hearing the forgiveness in Kuroko's voice almost brought tears to Seijuro's eyes and he leaned up and captured Tetsuya's lips with his own.

"Thank you Tetsuya, I love you"

"And I love you too Seijuro"

Seijuro brought his arms around his small lover's waist and gave a light squeeze, causing a slight moan to fall from his beloved's mouth. This made Seijuro even more confident (not that he could be any more confident when getting his little Tetsu to let out a beautiful harmony of sounds) and he deepened the kiss.

Kuroko wrapped his legs around Akashi who was still kneeled on the floor and responded to the kiss he was given. Akashi's hands roamed his baby's body, finding all his sweet spots. Eventually his hands tangled in Tetsu's hair, tugging it, eliciting a moan from said man. Akashi swiped his tongue across his lover's plump lips asking for entrance, which was approved not even a second after.

Dominance was never an issue with the two, Kuroko loved being dominated and Akashi loved dominating (but both only like that with each other)

Akashi's tongue roamed Tetsuya's mouth, tasting him as if he would die without it. Kuroko wrapped his arms around Seijuro's neck and tugged him forward, Seijuro doing the same but with his arms around his waist. Not a moment later Seijuro had picked his fiancé up, Tetsuya squeezed his legs even tighter around him, keeping himself upright.

While still kissing him, Akashi walked up the stairs and into their room, he placed Kuroko gently on the bed letting go of his mouth in the process. He climbed on top of him reattaching his mouth to the others in a desperate need to give each other love.

Akashi deepened his actions towards Kuroko but was soon stopped by two hand pushing at his chest.

"what's wrong Tetsu?"

"Nothing, I just want to cuddle tonight, I'm too sleepy for anything else"

It was true indeed; his love had waited up for him quite late and you could see the tiredness in his droopy eyes.

"Okay love, anything for you"

Seijuro took of his work clothes, replacing them with joggers. He looked over at his fiancé and saw that he was almost asleep and still in day clothes. He grabbed one of his shirts and made his way over to the bed. Helping Tetsuya out of his clothes, Akashi put his own shirt on him, creating the most adorable of sights.

Once they were both dressed appropriately for bed, Akashi made his way over and laid down next to his love.

Feeling warmth from the side of him, Tetsuya rolled over and wrapped his arms around it. He snuggled into it, burying his face into the hard surface. He heard a chuckle overhead and two strong arms wrapping around his waist but was too tired to look up, he knew who it was anyway and so he held onto the warmth even tighter.

"Thank you for your forgiveness Tetsuya, I love you. Forever and always"

And like that he fell asleep in the love of his life's arms.

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