Pirates | Part Two

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~ I have been told that pirates needed a part two, and I totally agree. So here we are~ I'm going to say it was a request because it sort of was! Request - AndreaLeonhardt  & MayhanaMya  both of you said you wanted a part two, fluff and romantic (I think so) parts are also in this. I hope it's good enough. Who knows there may be a part three!!

Vote! Comment! Request! And without further ado...

Happy reading!


Has it really been two months since I joined the crew. They have made me feel so welcome that time flew by.

Akashi was sat on a wooden barrel, thinking how good his life has been since he arrived on the ship. Although during the two months there have been a few hardships but eventually he overcame them.

During the two exciting, yet somewhat hard months Akashi began to grow close to the captain. Of course the other crew members noticed and being the kind people they are, they took a blind eye to it.

At first Seijuro didn't know what to make of the captain and his crew but ever time he saw Tetsuya his heart would beat just a bit faster. His face would flush a tint of red and his pupils would dilate. He didn't know what these feelings were, it was as if his heart longed for the touch of his captain but no matter what he did he couldn't reach him. A bittersweet feeling.

Is this what it feels like to be in love.

He has never loved before, except his mother but that feeling was different to this.

Seijuro crossed his legs, still at upon the wooden barrel. Head on hands he contemplated his emotions.

I want him

I want him to want me

Will he notice

Will I tell him

Many thoughts crossed his mind, his reality slipping away as his gaze took on a far away look.

Tetsuya Who was above deck, by the wheel looked down at the lower floor. He say a bundles of red curled on top of a barrel. He knew who it was and that made him all the more worried.


"Yes cap'n"

"Take a hold of the steering"

"Yes sir"

Tetsuya made his way down the steps, closing in on the pitiful looking male. As he drew closer to the red head, he heard mumbling. He couldn't tell what exactly he was saying but he made out a few words.

"...tell him... will...notice... what...feeling."

The phantom became confused, he reached a hand out and smoothed the red heads hair. Surprising him out of his thoughts.

"What's wrong Sei?"

Tearful heterochromatic looked up at the bluenette. Seeing Seijuro's expression worried him and he brought the red head into his arms. Showing affection wasn't one of the captains strong suits, Seijuro knew this and that made the action all the more special.

"It's... nothing, don't worry captain" am unreadable expression crossed the phantom face.

"Captain?" Tetsuya said I'm a stern tone.

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