Warm This Winter

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Another one, Christmas-y! Based off a song I listened to this morning! Have fun reading and don't forget to vote, comment and request! I couldn't find a picture of them cuddling as adults, so I improvised 😂


~ We met in the winter and we fell in love. Right by the fireplace, we shared are first embrace, and then inside my heart I felt a fire start.

"I have to admit, this song does remind me of how I met you..." a small smile crossed Akashi's face as a stared down at his lover, big cerulean eyes gazed back at him.

~ it's gonna snow outside, the weather will be cold. But I'm gonna be warm this winter.

The fire place lit up the room as the flames roared to life, the two lovers were cuddled up underneath a fluffy grey blanket. Akashi behind Kuroko, his arms hugging him to his chest, it was relaxing. The snow fell from the sky outside; settling comfortably on the ground, they were protected from the cold as they watched winter come into full swing. Apart from the crackling of the fire and the soft hum of music everything seemed lifeless, it's wasn't a bad thing and the two lovers found it peaceful.

"I certainly wouldn't change a thing of how I met you" Tetsuya stayed, seemingly with no emotion, but his lover knew better. Seijuro knew how much love the younger had for him and he gave him just as much love in return, maybe even more.

~ each time your lips touch mine, they taste like sparkling wine. I feel so warm and lover just cause I love you so. It's cosy in your arms, I'm yours to have to hold. But I'm gonna be warm this winter.

The red head tipped his head over his lovers, while the latter tilted his head up, giving each other a smile they both lent in, meeting in the middle to kiss. It's was warm and sweet, a token of their love for one another. Akashi squeezed his arms around Kuroko, making the other gasp slightly.

They broke the kiss, cheeks and ears red with bashfulness. Akashi turned the bluenette around, touching their noses together, smiling.

"I love you Tetsuya, forever and always"

"I love you too Akashi"

The red head thought back to how he met his lover, chuckling at the memory.

Flashback ~

A cold winter, December the 14th he believed it to be, a red head male walked slowly down a path, going who knows where. He was lonely, he had been most of his life, he wanted to find someone to hold and to love and yet every chance he took at a relation ended in disaster, all they wanted was his money.

Still walking that icy path, he gazed out at the scenery, lost in thought.

I guess it's another Christmas on my own, but then again when isn't it.

He wanted to love someone, and for that person to fall for him. With a sigh he kept waking, going unnoticed by a man with sky blue hair.

That was until that said man slipped on a patch of ice, heading towards the concrete. Instead of concrete he fell into the red heads arms.

"I'm sorry, thanks for saving me there" the bluenette said with a bashful smile, a hand rubbing the back of his head.

"It's no problem, it's what I do"

"Catching people is a daily occurrence for you now is it?" The cerulean eyed boy question although, very much sarcastically. So much so that it left the red head in a state of shock.

"Uh- that's no what I meant" his little hesitation caused the stranger to chuckle in amusement.

"I know, I'm just kidding around, thanks though"

Flashback end ~

That was five years ago, and the two had been in a relationship for almost four years. Tetsuya didn't care for money, for that Akashi was grateful, they both met in winter and the winter after that they had confessed to one another.

"I have to say Tetsuya, as much I wanted someone to fall for me you quite literally fell"

"Are you talking about how we first met?"

"Yeah, and I wouldn't have it any other way"

A blush covered the younger ones face, but nonetheless a smile graced his face.

"Well... we should get some sleep, after all it's Christmas, and we have a lot planned"

They didn't bother to move, they were too comfortable so instead they laid down on the sofa, cuddled up to one another they closed their eyes. Once again the only noise was the soft music and crackle of fire and it lulled them to sleep.

"Goodnight my love"

"G'night Sei"

Any good?? No... okay! Well anyways there will be an important A/N next (not that important) but please read it and comment, thanks! I love you lot!

Bye bye

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