Two God's

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~ hello! I won't give you nah excuse as to why this is late, but here we go! I thought of this one shot and was like... why not? I hope you like it, and the name... just completely ignore it, I had a hard time coming up with one as of you have any ideas on what to call is go ahead!

For the separate book based on one of these one shots please decide from...


Vampire Royal


It's All My Fault


Two Gods

My friend read this one shot before all of you and wants me to write something similar to this, not exactly the same... but I'll let you decided. Most voted one by the 10th of January is the winner!

Vote! Comment! Request! HAPPY READING!!


"You are hereby and henceforth banished from hell to the human world, you shall only be allowed to return once you have fulfilled your duty as a resident of the underworld!" A commanding deep voice ordered, the very sound of it shaking the ground one stood on. And it belonged to none other than the king, the ruler of hell.

He goes by many names, the most commonly one used by humans is Satan, but in actual fact he is the god of the underworld, Hades. Although, that isn't his actual name.

It's Seijuuro Akashi.

And as it was he was in one of his many famous moods, that being a dangerously viscous one. With a deep sigh he tilted his head back, as if trying to star at the nonexistent sky. "This is pointless... I'm so bored and none of these pesky souls can entertain me!"

A soft laugh echoed within the throne room, and in an instant the king shot up, eyes almost sparkling in what humans would call 'excitement'. "If you're that bored your highness why not take a trip to see Tetsuya!"

"This would be a good chance to see him..." noticing the kings hesitance, the newcomer-whose name remains unknown- spoke up. "It's fine, I will get one of the Miracles to hold your post." Seijuuro's mood was almost immediately higher and he made a beeline for the portal.

"Don't forget to give him a present, you know what that god it like if you arrive with nothing to offer him!" A smile graced the kings face, "don't worry I have the perfect gift to give him"

After all he is the god, Eros...

~ somewhere is another dimension

"Your highness?" A redhead called out, worried about his friend - who was royalty bearing in mind - a soft, but almost emotionless gaze lingered over to him. The cerulean eyes met his and a soft wind passed through his sky blue hair.

"What is it?" His voice was not one part commanding, more so questionable. The redhead sighed and spoke up. "It's nothing, but are you okay? You seem a little out of it"

To this question the bluenette gave a deep, almost bored sigh.

"I miss Sei!" The bluenette whined, if you weren't familiar with his personality, you wouldn't have realised he was royalty or in fact a god. The redhead - who shall be named Kagami - chuckled slightly at this. It wasn't out of the ordinary for a god, particularly this god to act like this.

"Would you like me to call for him?" Before he could receive and answer a purple-Black portal opened up. A deep voice littered the room, "No need to, I am already here!" A soft laugh following it.

"SEI!" The god jumped up from his position of the velvet red sofa, running towards the god of the underworld. Not even a second later, the newcomer was tackled by the blue haired god, brought into a strangling hug.

"I missed you Sei!"

"I missed you too Tetsuya!"

They both smiled before Hades -god of the underworld and Eros's lover - brought Eros into a deep kiss. Kagami, who of course was in the room during all of this felt he was intruding, and so stepped outside, making sure so lock the door with a seal.

It's not as if they would be coming out anytime soon.

After all... Eros is the god of sexual desire.

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