Angel and Demon

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~ Hello, it's late... I know I'm sorry! But I have to say! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! Like how on earth did this book get so many read... I'm shocked, and you guys are the best! I love you readers! But thank you so much for voting and reading. REQUEST - le_cloud_inthesky I hope it's good enough!

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They say once a pure angel it touched by the hands of a demon they will be contaminated, forever losing their place in heaven. Becoming one of the fallen. It's forbidden for an angel and demon to love each other or have any connection for that matter.

Kuroko Tetsuya, an angel. A high ranked one at that, after all he was the commander of the army. A proud person, one who would show no mercy to enemies, an angel who followed the rules and yet that wasn't a bad thing in his case. He too believed that angels and demons should have no contact, but that was until he met a certain demon.

Akashi Seijuro, a demon. Not just any demon, no he was the the king. He goes by many names, one of many people know all too well, Satan. Said for killing thousand of angels and humans, leaving hardly any evidence behind, only the scorch marks his fire. Even though he was the highest of demons he didn't believe in what the angels did. He's a possessive man, he wants everything, and will not stop at anything until he gets what he wants. And at the top of his list was an angel.

They both met on earth, the breeding ground for humans, fear, greed... the list goes on. The king doesn't go to earth often, but when he does it's for a mission or his personal gain. The angel however, was on earth to collect a package for his mission.

The has both felt drawn to the power that emitted from each other, but didn't know that they were each other's enemies. They had followed the trace of each other's power eventually coming face to face. Akashi had fallen in love with the beauty that stood before him, they both in human form stood gazing into each other's eyes. Kuroko too felt a connection with the man standing in front of him, but never experiencing emotions before he didn't know what to make of them.

The red eyes of Akashi stared I got the cerulean eyes of Kuroko, they knew straight away what the other was but they didn't seem to mind. Emotions were flooding out of one another, they came closer, Akashi wrapping his arms around the smaller Male. A spark buzzed through them both and they knew they were meant for each other.

From that day forward they made an agreement, they would meet on earth on the last day of the human week. Where they would share one another's time, doing whatever their hearts wished.

However, the peace held between them soon vanished. The hierarchy of angels had found out about the secret meetings and locked Tetsuya away deep within heavens gates. Akashi was furious, not only had the angels spoiled their time together but they had the nerve to lock his lover up.

To say he was furious would be the understatement of the decade. He knew the risks of a demon invading heaven, but he would stop at nothing until Tetsuya was returned to him. And so he raised a thousand demon army, it wasn't as difficult as one might seem. After all he was the king.

If you think deeply about it, once pure is contaminated it can never go back to being pure. It's like a lake slowly filling with toxic waste, the once crystal waters turning a murky colour. Contaminated could never turn pure anyway.

Seijuro knew it was selfish of him but he was going to pollute his lover, he was going to turn Tetsuya into a fallen angle. So as they would be together for eternity.

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