Don't Lie| Part Two

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~ Hello again, and I'm late in uploading, forgive me! Anyways here's part two of Don't Lie, I'm not sure of whether to do a part three but I feel it's best to leave it as just two parts. By the way the picture up top has literally nothing to do with this chapter, I just didn't have a photo that went with this. Hope you enjoy!

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Without further ado...



Akashi looked down at his boyfriend, a sad smile gracing his face. He couldn't believe Kuroko had hidden how he was feeling just so he could have a good day. He should have noticed the signs.

No appetite.

Flushed face.

Tired eyes.

But Kuroko being Kuroko he knew how to hide most of his symptoms well. And for that Akashi was angry. His poor phantom was suffering and he didn't realise.

With Tetsuya collapsing outside at the park, Akashi carried him home, he received plenty of judging stares but he didn't care. All he cared about was his feverish boyfriend. By the time he had reached Tetsuya's house, the bluenette was soaked in sweat. Opening the door (somehow with Kuroko in his arms) he walked in, placing his lover on the bed.

Tetsuya shifted and opened his eyes sleepily.

"I'm sorry you have to do this Sei"

Hearing the sincerity in his voice, Akashi forgave him for hiding the fever.

"It's okay Tetsuya, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you in your time of need."

"Thank you Sei" said male smiled slightly at the bluenette. Before asking Tetsuya if he could change his clothes, he received a weak nod.

Hiding the fact he was checking his boyfriend out he carefully removed the sweat soaked clothes. Replacing them with new, comfortable sleep wear. He helped Tetsuya lay back on the bed, covering him with a thick blanket.

"I'll be back in a minute Tetsuya, for now just rest." He didn't get a reply but he knew his lover had heard him. He made his way to the kitchen, gathering medicine and ingredients for a soup, that he knew would help Tetsuya recover.


A weak voice sounded and Seijuro began to fix everything together, placing it all on a tray and taking it into his lover. He saw a pitiful sight, Tetsuya was looking around the room as if searching for something, yet was unable to find. The bluenette called out his boyfriends name as he tried to get up, failing miserably. The boy's eyes wondered over the room soon landing on what he was looking for, his expression lit up.

Seijuro had to admit. His boyfriend was the cutest thing on earth.

He placed the tray on the bedside table and proceeded to help Tetsuya sit up. After all was accomplished Seijuro place the tray that was once on the side onto Tetsuya's lap. Said male looked down at it, noticing the medicine beside it he scrunched up his face.

"You have to take the medicine Tetsuya" the voice wasn't commanding but Tetsuya knew he was unable to refuse. With a weak nod he tried to eat his food.

Seeing the predicament his boyfriend was in, Seijuro grabbed he spoon and began feeding him.

"...I can d-do it m-myself" to this the red head chuckled. "Tetsuya you can hardly speak, or lift a spoon... please just let me do this for you" Seijuro wanted to help his boyfriend, in any way he could. After all Tetsuya has given him so much, not just today. He gave him everything the day they confessed their love to each other.

"I-" Tetsuya cut himself off, nodding in his sentences place. This made a smile grace the red heads face, as he lifted the spoon to Tetsuya's lips.

The soup was soon finished and now Akashi had the challenge to get his boyfriend to take the medicine. Seijuro knew that Tetsuya would think his boyfriend had forgotten, but oh no, he didn't forget in fact it had made him remember even more when the soup was finished.

"Tetsuya come on, take it"

"...don't wanna..."

"It's the only way you'll get better"

Seijuro lifted the hand holding the medicine up to Tetsuya lips, the boy on the receiving end shook his head and moved away from the hands coming towards him.

" away... don't wanna take no medicine" The bluenette began acting like a child, refusing to take the medicine. Akashi had been in this situation before, for some reason whenever Tetsuya was asked to take medicine he would refuse and act like a child. Not even the red head knew why, sometimes he found it cute, other time he would get slightly annoyed. He just wanted his boyfriend to get better.

Tetsuya was still refusing to take the medicine so Akashi had to pull out his trick. Removing the tray from the bluenette lap, he placed the weight with himself. He straddled his boyfriend, causing his mouth to open in surprise.

Works every time

He placed the medicine into the open mouth of his boyfriend, closing it. Akashi grabbed the glass of water, drink some (although keeping it in his mouth) and pressed his lips to his lovers. Seijuro pushed the water from his mouth to his struggling boyfriends until it disappeared down his throat.

He knew he may get a fever but he didn't mind. As long as his boyfriend was okay.

Akashi lifted his lips off Tetsuya's, as soon as he did he saw the glare the bluenette gave him. Although it wasn't scaring in the least, it was more cute and looked childish. Especially with his lips in a pout. Seijuro chuckled, kissing Tetsuya forehead and removed himself from his lap. Helping his boyfriend lay down on the bed he spoke.

"Get some sleep Tetsuya"

A mumble was all that was present in the vet silent room.

"...stay here... please" smiling at his cute boyfriend, he held his hand.

"Of course, anything for my little blue."

And as promised he stayed the night, only to wake in the morning feeling hot and sweating with a healthy looking Tetsuya hovering worriedly over him.

"You have my fever, this is your fault, if only you didn't kiss me!"

Even though he blamed Akashi for getting his fever (as it was his fault) he would take care of him, like the good boyfriend he was.


~ probably the worlds sh*ttest story (excuse my language) but if you liked it I'm glad. Remember to leave your request in the comments or message me privately I honestly don't mind. I still have a writers block and would appreciate your wonderful mind full of amazing ideas! That's sounds weird but what can I do! See you... whenever

Bye bye

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