Time Travel

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~ I absolutely love this request, and I only started it an hour ago. I hope it's good enough and that you like it. Request - AndreaLeonhardt as always... Vote! Comment! Request! And without further ado... Happy Reading!!


"Hey Sei, come and look at this!" A bluenette spoke from the living room inside their two bedroom apartment.

"What's wrong Tetsuya?" Akashi asked and he walked over to his lover, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Nothings wrong, I got a present from the old lady next door and I wanted you to see what it was" Seijuro looked down at the package, it was small and the brown paper covered the shape of the present well.

"open it then!" Tetsuya gave Seijuro a knowing look, it was one that Seijuro knew all too well. A 'don't tell me what to do' look. Seijuro apologised and gave Tetsuya waist a squeeze.

Tetsuya forgave his lover and began to tip the brown paper.

Inside was similar to what it was wrapped in. But only this time a note lay tapped to the present. "Looks like there's a note, and she wrapped it twice, what a pain"

Tetsuya read the note aloud.

"It's time to relive the past and help those in need of extra encouragement. Help the ones closest to you, and feel their emotions." Sei listened carefully.

"That's stupid, is the old women crazy?" Tetsuya then proceeded to open the parcel. Once completely unwrapped he pulled out a small hand mirror, adorned with jewels and intricate designs.

"It's beautiful though" Sei agreed silently. Kissing up and down Tetsuya neck, making him squish his head to his shoulders. Tetsuya opened the hand-mirror with a click of the button on the side. Only the mirror didn't open, and in its stead a bright white enveloped the two lovers.

They closed their eyes at the blinding light, the next time they opened them they were standing outside of their middle school.

They were shocked beyond belief. A loud voice called our, though not to them. "Aominechii" the two turned around to see a younger version of kise run past them, straight over to a younger Aomine. The younger GOM members walked off, most likely for basketball practise.

"Are we in the past, either that or I'm seeing things"

"It's the only logical explanation" Akashi answered his lover. Still with his arms pressed against Tetsuya waist and lips against his skin.

"Sei... if we're in the past that in itself isn't very logical. It shouldn't be possible!"

"Well there is no use in thinking about it now, I want to see the GOM" Tetsuya sighed and gave up trying to find a possible explanation for this sudden happening.

They walked toward the gym, hearing the sound of shoes and basketballs hitting the floor as they grew closer. The two lovers peeked inside and saw all members of the generation of miracles, including themselves.

Younger versions of themselves were sat next to each other, blushing furiously.

"looking back now I started to realise I loved you around this time." Kuroko said nonchalantly. Seijuro next to him looked at Tetsuya as if he has grown a second head. Akashi looked at his lover with so much love that he grabbed ahold of tetsuyas face, smashing their lips together.

"Why didn't you tell me, I felt the same back then as I do now." Pulling away from the kiss he whispered.

"Stop it Sei!" The bluenette said his a commanding tone. Seijuro chuckled and hugged Tetsuya like his life depended on it.

Obviously they were being too loud and the door they were once peeking through was thrown open by none other than the younger version of kise.

"EH!! AKASHICHII, KUROKOCHII!! why are there two of you?" Kise yelled causing future Kuroko to wince and yell back.

"Shut up Kise, your giving me a headache." This startled not only Kise but every one of the past-GOM members.

Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine, Kise, Akashi and Kuroko stood in front of the newcomers.

Future Seijuro chuckled and wrapped his arms around the still angry Tetsuya.

Kuroko and Akashi from the last both blushed at the action.

"Sei stop fooling around, if I'm right we have to help a certain two people" Seijuro understood what his lover was saying and walked forwards, grabbing a hold of his past selfs arm. Tetsuya doing the same.

"What are you doing you imposter" Akashi said to Seijuro.

A similar argument was heard from the other side, where Tetsuya had taken his past self.

"I'll give you a quick run down, so stop squirming Kuroko!" This did eventually stop his younger self.

Both party's explained the situation, how they were from the future and were here to help both Kuroko and Akashi.

"I'm here to help you with Kuroko. You love him right?" A nod was his reply.

"Well then what are you waiting for, your absolute aren't you, you get anything you want so what's stopping you?"

His past self agreed and they set out a plan to help Akashi's relationship with Kuroko.


"You love Akashi right?"

"Yes." Kuroko replies shyly.

"Well then, stop being shy and go up to him and tell him how you feel."

"I'll try."

"No you won't, you will do this and nothing is going to stop you!" Tetsuya ordered making his younger self flinch, but a hint of hope and confidence flickered in those blue orbs.


"Sei hurry up and get over here!" Tetsuya yelled at his lover.

Seijuro obeyed, and skipped over to his little angry bluenette.

"Looks like we've done all we needed to do, I knew I was right." Tetsuya spoke to all within the vicinity.

"Hey Tetsu how about we give our younger selfs some encouragement"

Before the bluenette had time to reply Seijuro pulled him into an embrace, pressing his lips against his lovers. He slid his tongue over tetsuyas lip, asking for entrance which he greatfully received. Seijuro kissed Tetsuya with more passion and love making all of GOM faces light up in embarrassment.

The kiss went on for awhile until both pulled away for air. They turned to look at all the red faces and gave out a laugh.

"After all we are married" Tetsuya spoke up lifting his hand up to show everyone. A golden band was wrapped snug around his ring finger.

If the faces of the GOM members could get any redder they would have.

In the next moment they were back in their apartment, only this time with new memories. Ones of the both of them confessing their feeling for one another, only this time when they were both still in middle school instead of when they were older.

They faced each other and smiled, pressing their foreheads together and once again they shared a loving kiss.


~ it's up, hope you enjoyed it. I really loved writing this request and would be happy to write whatever request any of you wanted. Anyways for now...

Bye bye

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