Monster | Part One

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~ I actually can't believe how many of these I'm posting. I hope you don't mind. REQUEST - MayhanaMya hope this is okay, there is a part two, if you lot didn't guess by the title. Anyways! Vote! Comment! Request! Happy reading!


A wanderer. Is that what he is? Maybe he isn't even real. A traveller maybe? No. A lost soul? Again no.

He is a wizard, he goes by Akashi Seijuro. He Walks the earth for millennia's, in search of something. He knows not of what he must find, only that it is a person and he needs to find it fast. Time is running out.

How many years has it been now?




Maybe 3000 years?

Akashi no longer knows, he has roamed the earth for so long he has all but forgotten.

"When will I find you" the breeze did all but carry Seijuro's voice away, he wished it reached the one he was searching for.

The old yet young looking wizard gazed down at his hand.

"47 days, I see." Black numbers burned into his skin, marking how much time he had left. A curse, a dark and horrid curse was placed on him. One that if he did not find the one person he needed to help within the time limit, he would be banished to the human realm.

Something he wished would never happen. This realm he lived in had yet to experience the technology humans had gone so far to create. It was a natural world and one in which the humans longed for. 

A day, just one day Akashi would rest. The longer he took to find the said being of his curse the harder it was to journey. The fatigue was catching up to him and he could do nothing but rest, he was almost to the middle of the forest and he could see a clearing up ahead.

Seijuro reached the clearing only to find an abandoned cabin. One could say that it wasn't safe, but in this world their were little to no threats. (apart from the being that cursed him) he opened the door to the cabin and entered inside. Sensing no immediate threat he took a look around.

A living room, kitchen, toilet and bedroom. Simple enough, although the cabin lacked some necessities. He made himself comfortable on the living room sofa and momentarily close his eyes, relaxing into the semi-comfortable seat.

"Are you okay?" A voice spoke up, scaring the wizard. Akashi turned to the voice, a translucent being stood in front of him, looking at Seijuro intently.

Eventual the wizard shook himself out of his daze. "Who are you?" The unknown beings figure wavered with the wind. His body no longer corporeal. "You haven't answer my question, but then again it was rude of me not to introduce myself"

Before the translucent being could utter another word a burning sensation traveled up the wizards arm. Akashi looked down and rolled up his sleeve, instead of the numbers that should be marred into his skin, a name was written around Seijuro's wrist.

"Kuroko Tetsuya" Akashi spoke aloud, he heard a sharp intake of breath from above him. "How did you know?" The ghost questioned, causing Akashi to tilt his head.

"What are you taking about?"

"You just said my name without me introducing myself"

Both were silent as Akashi processed this information. He soon came to a realisation and brought his gaze up to the ghost.

"It's you! I finally found you" the wizard smiled in triumph.

"Huh?" The ghost was confused and tilted his head to the side.

"You need help right?"

The ghost nodded.

"Well, im Akashi Seijuro. So tell me, what is it you need help with?"

"To get my body back"


~ did you enjoy, hope you're excited for part two considering I already wrote it!! I really really hope you enjoyed this one.

For now...

Bye bye

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