Vampire Royal| Part One

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~ Seriously the third one today, I'm proud! Are you proud? No okay. Anyway I'm in love with how this one turned out, as you can see from the title this is only part one of this one shot. Warning! Violence! Well without further ado, have fun and enjoy!


Akashi Seijuro didn't know what to do, he was lusting after someone. And not just any person, a human, a man and most importantly Kuroko Tetsuya the son of the most infamous vampire hunter.

"Well this is certainly unexpected" the vampire spoke aloud. But as normal no one answer him, I mean after all he was on a roof hanging over the edge looking down at the ground.

What was he doing there? You ask. Well I shall answer that for you. Being the ginormous creep he is, he spied on Kuroko like he would go insane if he didn't keep his eye on him every second of the day.

He teetered over the edge just a fraction more and used his enhanced sight to peer down at his love. "I'll come for you soon my love, just you wait"

Now some may say Kuroko Tetsuya is a little dense, or maybe a little oblivious to his surrounding. But he is only like this because of the rigorous training he has been put through due to his father.

His mother? Who can say, she was long gone before Tetsuya could fathom the concept of a mother. So In his mother's steed his father raised and cared for him, while being tasked in killing vampires.

Apart from the government and a few local officials (vampire hunters) no one new the existence of vampires. It was kept under wraps and in the future would further be kept a secret.

Kuroko being the most random and unexpected anyone could know, he took a walk out into the city. He left his expressionless mask on but heightened his guard, making sure to look out for any danger. He flickered his gaze over the humans he was surrounded in, looking for the faint (or strong in some cases) red hue the vampires emitted.

Everything seemed peaceful as bluenette wanderer the streets. Eventually all human activity dwindled down. The sun has almost set and Kuroko was awaiting the night walkers to come out and play. He felt a sensation on the back of his neck and looked behind him, only to find no one was there.

Of course Tetsuya being trained so hard he didn't let it go and kept his guard on high alert as he continue to walk.

Not a second later a loud crash was sounded from an alley way not far from where he was standing. Alarm bells rang in his head as he walked towards the darkened alley.

All Kuroko could think about was a human could be in danger, or worse an animal. (He loved animals)

He hid his presence and looked down the dead end. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary he began to make his way down the path. A tipped over trash can lay at the end of the walkway.

He journeyed right to the end of the path and double checked for any sign of life. Luckily nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but he still wandered what caused the trash to fall over. Thinking nothing more about it he turned around.

A black shadowed figure jumped behind him without a sound, grabbing a hold of the boys throat. Kuroko knew of the figure watching him but he was a second late in reacting, his father would punish him for sure if he found out.

A red hue emitted from the shadow, it was a dull red; one that shows their rank in the vampire world.

Hmm... not a very high rank then.

The figure moved forward, his face inches away from Tetsuya's neck. The being let out a small feral growl and was seconds away from sinking his disgusting teeth into Kuroko's neck.

Tetsuya tried to move his hands, unfortunately the figure was large and had a tight grip on his arms. Tetsuya did the only thing he could, hoping the figure would let go.

He ducked his head the tiniest bit (not that he needed to, he is quiet short) and shot his head back up, smashing into the shadows chin. It released his hands and Tetsuya quickly turned back around and lifted his foot up at inhumane speed straight into the figure crotch. The stranger let out a loud cry of pain and crouched down on the ground

Tetsuya backed away before the figure could do more harm. The bluenette kept a strong gaze on the being still crouching on the ground. Before Kuroko could do any more damage another black figure jumped in front of him. The red hue was so bright Kuroko had to squint.

A royal, this is bad!

The figure was facing him, yet his face unseen. The vampire royal turned his back to Kuroko and a hostile aura wrapped the entire path. The anger directed at one particular person

The new stranger had a menacing presence about him, it only got worse as it stepped forward to the injured vampire on the floor.

"HOW DARE YOU EVEN TRY TO HURT HIM! you will pay for that with your life"

The royal raised his voice at the unloyal subject.

To say Kuroko was shocked would be an understatement. He was completely confused, why would a royal vampire care for his life.

"I'm sorry your highness, please forgive me, I did not know."

"And it is because you did not know that has caused you soon to be death."

Before the common vampire could utter another sentence the royal delivered a final blow to his heart and ripped it from his chest. He squeezed the organ until it exploded, blood splattering the walls. The body turned to dust.

The royal turned back toward the confused Tetsuya and he spoke in a kind manner; heading towards him.

"It's okay now my mate, no one will hurt you again. Not when you are with me. I am absolute"

The vampire wrapped the human in his arms and whispered into the bluenettes ear. He cast a sleeping spell on the boy and rubbed his back in a loving way.

"Time to go home love, I will protect you"

Who are you


I don't know you

I'm not your mate

The last thing he saw was beautiful heterochromia eyes staring into his before he blacked out.


I'm guessing you know the drill by now 😅 but anyway Vote! Comment! Request away! Did you enjoy it? I hope you did the next part may be out tomorrow so look forward to it

Bye bye

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