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~ I'm literally so sorry, I have been so busy with all my work. But it's finally here, Thank you for putting up with me. Now I have to warn you, VIOLENCE/ABUSE WARNING! so be wary when reading. Well... Vote! Comment! Request! And without further ado...



Neko - half human half cat. Rare beings that are endangered. Although half cat they despise being treated like an animal. After all they are half human so shouldn't they have human rights just like everyone else. Eventually society came to accept Neko's and now they are protected from a band of poachers.

Well that isn't the case for a certain Neko. At the age of 7 (human years) he was captured by the poachers and used as a slave, constantly beaten with canes, whips, anything they could get their hands on. The poachers had said they don't want to touch the Neko's; thinking they have diseases.

It was another day for the poor neko, now fifteen years old he had spent 8 years trapped within the hands (metaphorically they didn't touch him with their hands) of the poachers.

He had no name, no memory of what happened before he was captured. They were his masters and he thought it would always be like this.

"Oi slave get your ass over here now!"

The nameless bluenette made his way over, no expression, no eye contact. Just simply crawled over to one of his masters.

He had finally reached the feet of his violent master, still the boy sat on his hands and knees awaiting the next move. Nothing happened to start with, well that was until the hard sole of a boot collided with his head. Crashing it into the ground. The world in the bluenette's eyes flickered to white before fading back to normal.

"What do you say when I call you, useless slave!"

The foot that smashed into his head rest (more like flattened violently) upon his neck, almost as if waiting, itching to get another kick out of him.

"Sorry master, yes master" the chubby, violent, dirty man who was the nameless boy's master grunted and started to push the boot that rest on his neck down.

No sound

Not even an intake of breath was heard


It was as if the boy wasn't even alive, his master grunted was again, kicking his face to the left before walking off. It wasn't as if the bluenette has no emotions, he just found out that it's better not to show them. Of course getting a beating everyday hurt but he wouldn't make a noise. He also knew where his master had gone; to get his canes. The real beating started now.

And as if it was a promised meeting, he came back, canes and whips in hand and a crooked smile plastered on his face.

The chubby man placed the whip on the the chair next to him. The cane always hurt the most - Well in the bluenettes eyes - the master held the cane slightly tighter than before meaning he was about to his the Neko.

And then it happened. The cane whistled through the air before reaching its target. Searing pain flashed across the nameless boy's body, his voice almost slipped from his mouth. With every effort he tried to hold it in.

The man was laughing, continually being the cane down against the boy's body. This beating was worse than any he has ever had, after about 10 strikes the master would eventually get bored and leave. This wasn't one of them.

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