Can you hear me?

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The voice I spoke with
Was not heard
Or was it?
Were you ignoring me

Sometimes I think you ignore my screams
My cries for help
My loud voice that echoed the hall.
I think you ignore it all

Can you hear me?
If you can then it's worst
It's worst that you're ignoring me
That I mean nothing to you
That I'm nothing

What is the word nothing
It means that I'm unimportant
That I don't deserve your love
That I don't deserve to know you
And I know it's true

I deserve pain and suffering
You saw that right after I did
You even helped me suffer more
I now suffer everyday
And it's all 'cause of you

Suffering is all I do
It is now my occupation
The occupation which I hate
I just...
I just want it to end

Any interjections?
No one will miss me when...

I'm gone
Gone forever
Never seen again

AN/ I think I may pub one everyday

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