I remember

18 8 12

I remember the day you left
The day I didn't see you everyday
The day that was just like every other day but wasn't
The day you left your family

I didn't get a goodbye nor a hello
You didn't care about me
I hear the excuse I was young.
I was.. reckless
But were you?

You never loved me
When dad asks me if our best memory
I grow a mind blank
I don't have a single one

I know we never got a long
And you always told me "to mind your own beeswax"
But it hurt
It hurt for you not to come home

Years pass and you don't call or text
Your friends ditch out on you and I must hear dads ranting
I'm the eldest in the house now
And I must not be like

Get good grades
Be polite
Learn languages
Stop being terrible
My normal life disintegrated

Now you come here every week
If I call you my half brother I'm yelled at
But that's what you are.
Just my half brother
Who had ditched his family

What I don't understand is why.
Why go back to high school
Why try to be accepted again
Why come back
Tell me 'cause I have no idea

I love you and you're my brother
But I wanna know why your nice now
Why you look like you care
Why you make good memories with me
'Cause you never did before

My dear brother
I love you
But I want to know why
Why, you hurt me so much
Why I can hardly breath when you're
Cause the memories will never stop flowing.

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