Skinny enough

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Look at the body you have
Naturally skinny you say
Where does it all go, they ask
You don't know how to answer That

When you gain a little bit
They start to look at you
Like you are gaining too much
Like you have bad eating habits

Dresses and skinny figures
Roll around in your head
Words echo in your head
How you are too fat

You try to eat less
Try to eat less than healthy
You often feel tired
But you avoid sleep

You get skinner and skinner
You eat so much and
Eat so little the next
You try to be better

You go for walks and runs
You try on the beautiful dress
The dress that makes you
Feel as if you are an angel

Your parents eyes watching you
Good job! You should go on
More runs... they say
The runs that make you dizzy

You go on many runs
Many more walks
Eating less than before
Maybe skipping some meals

You laugh at yourself
You are somehow the foodie
The foodie of that 8 person friend group
Funny how life is?

Yesterday you ate only grapes for lunch
You are asked to try on that dress
Your mother thinks
You've eaten too many fries

Than the compliments roll in
Look at that hourglass figure
No one has noticed yet
Noticed how you've lost that weight

You feel like crying
The dress you bought
Would only look good on skinny girls
But still... you will still wear it

Maybe you are skinny
But you know
Deep inside
Nobody will think you are

Skinny enough

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