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after making the promise to go back to namsan tower again, kenta and yeonwoo got into the car for him to drop her off at home.

"hey kenta?" she asked, after he started to drive.

"yeah?" he looked at her briefly before turning back to the road.

"why didn't you dance earlier?"

kenta stopped the car at the red light and he frowned slightly.

"i- i um-" he stammered.

"you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." yeonwoo said, placing a hand on his.

"okay, i'll tell you one day." kenta smiled a little. and silence fell over the two.

yeonwoo's mind instantly filled with thoughts wondering why he didn't dance but she shrugged it over.

later when she reached home, she unlocked the door and was met with seongwoo and daniel sitting down in chairs facing the door she had just opened.

yeonwoo screamed and instinctively threw the closest thing she could grab at them. unfortunately for seongwoo, that thing was an umbrella. and it hit him in the shoulder.

"what are you guys doing here? how did you get in?" she yelled at them before collapsing onto the couch, panting.

"i used the spare key you gave me?" seongwoo said as a matter of factly, rubbing his sore shoulder.

"i don't remember giving you that because this is literally the first time you're using it." yeonwoo sat up and glared at him.

daniel and seongwoo exchanged a glance.

"not the first time..." daniel muttered. yeonwoo widened her eyes.

"ew, do you guys come here when im not home? what do you even- oh god. dont tell me!" yeonwoo covered her eyes in horror.

"no! we didn't do anything. chill out." seongwoo said, his cheeks turning red.

yeonwoo just stared at him, giving him her best unimpressed look.

"anyway, just here to see whether you're still alive after spending the day with that creepy uber guy." seongwoo said grimly.

"jeez dad, im fine. kenta's nice." yeonwoo said looking at daniel who also had a grim look on his face.

"so, nothing weird?" daniel asked.

"nope, nothing. oh. well, there was this moment where he looked like he wanted to dance in a crowd but suddenly got sad and didnt." yeonwoo recalled.

"he's a criminal, yeonwoo. he doesn't want to be seen by the public! he's an uber driver right? maybe he's killed a man! maybe he's wanted for drunk driving! maybe-" seongwoo rambled until yeonwoo cut him off.

"maybe that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard!"


sorry for this incredibly late update yikes exams are soon and im still as unprepared as ever!

^ can they get anymore extra

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