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ongie: good morning my dear friend

ongie: i found something you'd like to see

yeonwoo: what is it?

ongie: i found your boyfriend, kenta's instagram account

yeonwoo: first of all, he's not my boyfriend.

yeonwoo: we've been hanging out like twice a week but no, he's not my boyfriend

ongie: yet!

yeonwoo: shut up

yeonwoo: second of all, why were you searching for him

yeonwoo: third of all, what's his @?

ongie: its rkm0855

yeonwoo: brb

yeonwoo: its his birthday today?

ongie: according to his instagram, yes

yeonwoo: help me plan something for him?

ongie: but daniel and i might be doing something

yeonwoo: um i didn't need to know that

ongie: not that kind of thing!

yeonwoo: help me? we're his only friends

ongie: ive never even met the guy

yeonwoo: there's always a first time

yeonwoo: call daniel too

ongie: why do i let you drag me into stuff

yeonwoo: because you love me

ongie: ew


that evening, seongwoo's car pulled up in the driveway of kenta's apartment. sitting in the passengers seat and backseat respectively was daniel and yeonwoo.

"let me text him, give me your phone." yeonwoo said, taking seongwoo's phone from him and typing in kenta's phone number so that kenta would not recognise the number.

: hello sir, your uber is here.

kenta: i didn't ask for an uber?

: sir please come down and recieve your complimentary birthday uber ride

yeonwoo stared at the phone for a while more but kenta was no longer responding to her. she passed the phone back to seongwoo and glued her eyes to the entrance of the apartments.

a while later, she clapped her hands in delight when she saw kenta exiting the apartment building with a confused look on his face. she quickly opened the door and went outside to meet him, leaving seongwoo and daniel in the car. 

"kenta! happy birthday!" she announced, throwing her hands in the air. kenta quickly pulled her in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her frame as she stood there stunned.

before she could react, he pulled away and gave her a smile.

"thank you, yeonwoo!"

"um- let's go meet my friends. they're in the car." yeonwoo grabbed onto kenta's hand and pulled him towards the car.

from outside, she could see the mischievous smirk on seongwoo's face.

she opened the door and let kenta go inside first. after getting into the car as well, she introduced daniel and seongwoo to kenta.

"kenta, this is my best friend seongwoo and his boyfriend, daniel. seongwoo and daniel, this is kenta." she said, right as she spotted a mischevious glint in seongwoo's eyes.

"it's so nice to finally meet you, kenta. we've heard so much about you, considering how yeonwoo talks about you all the time!" he said, shooting a grin at yeonwoo.

"you do?" kenta perked up slightly as he turned to yeonwoo.

"i've been exposed." she shrugged playfully but at the same time, she was imagining herself kicking seongwoo in the gut.

"where are we going?" kenta asked, looking at yeonwoo again.

"we're going to the first place we met. the club!" yeonwoo said, shooting finger guns at him. seongwoo began to drive.

"technically, you guys met outside the club." daniel added.

"oh? you mean the time when yeonwoo told kenta-" seongwoo chimed in.

"i want to go home with you, cutie!" daniel and seongwoo shouted at the same time with glee.

kenta looked taken aback but began giggling along with the two laughing boys.

"thank you. so much. for that." yeonwoo said through gritted teeth, a wave of regret washing over her.

a while later, they reached the club. kenta's eyes flickered in recognition of the time he picked yeonwoo up outside this very club.

"let's go in. time to get out party on!" daniel cheered and the four of them walked up to the stern looking bouncer.

he was about to let them through when his eyes stopped on kenta.

"wait a minute. you're underage." he said.

"what- im not. i'm turning 23 today." kenta smiled at the bouncer, happily telling him that it was his birthday today.

"hah do you think i'd believe that, kid? show me your id."

kenta meekly took out his id and handed it to the bouncer who scrutinised the id suspiciously.

"nope, your older friends here can go in but not you, kiddo." the bouncer handed kenta's id back to him.

"i'm 23! why won't you believe me!" a pout came to kenta's face.

"let's just go somewhere else. its time to get our party off." daniel said, as he led the others in the opposite direction.

"do i not look 23?" kenta asked, turning to the others.

"um, i hate to break it to you but you look about 12." seongwoo said.

"he's just kidding. but you don't exactly look 23." yeonwoo added.

"i'm sorry i ruined your plans." kenta looked down.

"ruined it? of course not. now, let's go to our favourite restaurant." seongwoo said as he gave yeonwoo a look.

"yes, it's really good! come on." she laced her fingers with kenta's and they set off to the restaurant.


happy 23rd birthday to jbj's sexy cutie and the fluffiest sunshine boy who looks about 12, takada kenta !!

i hope he has an amazing day today and the jbj boys do something fun for him because he deserves it. let's give him a lot of love !

 let's give him a lot of love !

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