Taken In || God Eater ||

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Type: Friendship and Romance
Game/Anime: God Eater
Shipping (for romance): Alisa x Lenka
Setting: Every one of the God Eaters consider all Aragami evil and has no goal other than to eradicate humankind. Unless...you've just witnessed the end to Johannes Von Schicksal's plan. The Far East Branch, Fenrir Branch deploys many God Eaters including the First Unit, Lenka Utsugi, Sakuya Tachibana, Alisa Ilinichina Amiella, Soma Schicksal and Kota Fujiki. During a mission against the tank, Quadriga, and the Borg Camlann, this unit encountered an injured girl. She was surrounded by Ogretails and, from an afar building stood a Vajra, watching her.... Who is this girl?

Music: Anemone by ClariS (Classroom Crisis Ending)

Note: Lenka may have changed in appearance but I kinda...changed and balanced out his personality a bit. Lots of OOC-ness. And also, the events of the game and anime entwine a bit...so it would be a bit confusing but that isn't the focus of this so...yeah.

"Last one! Kota! Shoot it down!" Sakuya ordered as they both launched a bullet towards the weakened Borg Camlann.

"Sakuya! Watch out!!" Alisa yelled as she transformed her blade into a gun and shot down the Quadriga that was about to attack Sakuya.

"Speak for yourself, Alisa!" Lenka's golden eyes turned serious as he brought out his God Arc and slashed a Vajratail that came from behind her. "You need to be careful, too, ya know..." Lenka whispered to her and said girl just sighed, but a faint tint of pink visible on her cheeks as Lenka devoured the Vajratail.

Soma jumped up and slashed the Borg, killing it finally. They now faced the final objective, the Quadriga. Together, they attacked it, Sakuya and Kota shot the head of the Quadriga, Alisa, Lenka and Soma slashed its face.

"Let's finish it off!!" Lenka ordered as Kota shot the Quadriga with a mortar, Alisa devouring it and finishing the whole mission.


It was already over. The First Unit had taken down a Borg Camlann and the Quadriga required to finish the mission, they also took down 3 Vajratails and Fallen Zygotes in the process. You could say Kota was urging everyone to celebrate "AWWWWRIGHHHT!! We took it down! Just us!!" Kota yells as he fistpumped and Alisa sweatdrops "Really, you were the one who held us back the most." she states "Woah! I get you're hot and all, but do something about your attitude, woman! I don't really get what Lenka loves about you!!" Kota says as he turns away, a smirk on his face as he sensed the two flinch and turn red.

They didn't feel it at all...but Lenka and Alisa did. Far away from them, they saw two Ogretails beside an unconscious girl. Atop a destroyed building, was...a Vajra. Lenka ran followed by Alisa "Hey! Lovebirds! What're you- oh god!" Kota abandoned the teasing tone he had before and followed them, Sakuya and Soma spotting the girl too ran.

"HIYAHHHH!!!" Lenka slashed away at the Ogretails and it roared at them. But instead of attacking them like what Aragami were known for, the two Ogretails ran off, leaving the girl and the- "It's gone!" Kota states, snapping Lenka off his earlier thoughts. The five of them looked up and saw the Vajra wasn't atop the building anymore. Sakuya then tended to the girl by them. "Astonishing...she...was bombarded by two Ogretails and yet...she's not injured." Sakuya nods at Alisa's statement as Alisa caressed the girl's black hair "We better go back to the Den for Dr. Sakaki to take a look at her. She may not be injured but she might've hit her head causing her to fall unconscious..." Sakuya says as they all helped the girl up. But before they could even leave the place-

"Mommy...Daddy..." the girl's eyes opened, revealing familiar blue colored eyes. She had spotted them and quickly regained her composure. She released herself from their hold and rubbed her eyes. She looked on them and smiled "Are you guys...from Fenrir?" she says, her voice a bit hoarse "Ah yes. I'm Utsugi Lenka, these are my friends, Alisa Ilinichina Amiella, Soma Schicksal, Kota Fujiki and Sakuya Tachibana. And you are...?" Lenka introduced and asked the little girl. The girl smiles, her blue eyes twinkling in excitement and she eyed all of them "Ahem." Soma cleared his throat "Oh right. My name is Risa." she says and smiles warmly "Well, we can't just leave you alone here. Here's hoping you'd be accepted at Fenrir, Risa-chan." Kota rubs her hair and Risa nods, a blush and a smile staining her cheeks. Lenka stared intently at the girl...

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