Chapter 12- Hyrum

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Sorry, but the next couple of chapters has to be Hyrum, otherwise all you guys would be reading is people being in pain. Hope you enjoy!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This was all too much to process.

Carter turned to me.

"You're next, buddy," he said, pointing the laser at me.

I realized that if I didn't go, I'd end up like Hannah. I turned and ran.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going! You know you can't escape me!" yelled Carter.

That's when hit me. I needed to get Isaac back in action. I ran over to a still smoking building that had a gaping hole in it. I looked back, checked around, didn't see Carter, and went in. I was in a English classroom. Of all the places in school, my least favorite class. I slung my backpack off and whipped my computer out.

"Alright, turning on source finder.....and....there!"

I quickly went over the specs, and couldn't believe my luck.

"This firewall is a piece of junk!" I said to myself. "Carter can't code to save his life."

I quickly wrote a set of codes and sent it to my watch. I quickly packed my computer up and ran out of the building.

"There you are!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Carter came charging out of a building nearby, fireman carrying Hannah. The worst part was, I needed to get near him to get Isaac free. I waited for him, and was about to send out the code, when he suddenly jumped and landed right in front of me, making me jump out of my skin again.

"You're coming with me," he said, grabbing my arm.

"Nope," I said as bravely as I could, and I touched the the screen of my watch. Carter's device start beeping.

"What the?!" he said, looking down at his pant pocket. His pants promptly burst into flames.

I took those few precious seconds and ran. I got back to the battle site to see Isaac getting up.

I went over to help him. I noticed his right eye was unfocused and very dilated. His arm hung limply by his side.

"You ok?" I asked.

He shook his head and tapped his ears.

"Can't hear," he said.

"You can't hear?!" Now what were we going to do? "Can-we-leave-now?" I spaced out.

The police sirens and helicopters could be heard even louder now.

Isaac nodded. "Is Hannah with you?"

I shook my head.

"Then I guess I will have to settle with just one of you. Come on!"

But I wasn't about to let my childhood friend get abducted by some psycho. I completely ignored Isaac, and ran towards Carter.

"No! You're just going to get yourself killed!"

Carter seemed to notice me. He turned around and pulled out his mind swiper thingie.

"Ah, come to your senses have you? Just look right here..."

I instantly averted my eyes and tried to look to the right.

It all happened in a flash though. As Carter hit the button, I felt like I was being pulled back by some invisible force. I looked behind me, and saw a car coming towards me. It seemed to be somehow pulling me back. The next thing I know, I'm inside Isaac's ferrari.

"Hang on!"

I yanked on the door handle, trying to get out.

"He has Hannah though! We have to go back!"

"And risk losing you to? No, we have to go. NOW."

Isaac threw a metal canister out the window, hit the gas--and headed straight for a wall. He didn't stop.

I waved to Isaac. "Isaac! We're-going-to-hit-the-wall!"

He didn't respond to me. He touched a screen under the radio controls. The head of a woman appeared on it.

"Hey Tessa, how's it goin'? Could you engage the collision shield? By the way, I can't hear." he said.

She smiled and said, "Yes ma'am, collision shield activated." Subtitles appeared on the screen.

"That's getting old, Tessa," Isaac muttered under his breath.

We were getting closer to the wall. I closed my eyes.

He drove into the wall. 

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