Finding me a companion

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Vader POV

I decided that I wanted to know exactly how old Catherine was and so I took her back to the infirmary the very next morning. "Please State your medical emergency." The droid said as we entered the room.

"I need a test done to determine this infant's age." I replied setting Catherine down on the table.

"One moment please. Oh dear. It seems that the recent DNA test concerning the patient has been tampered with. Would you like for me to conduct a new DNA test to confirm the information provided in the computer?" The medical droid asked.

"No." I reply frowning. Obviously the computer system was malfunctioning. "Forget it."

Later in the day, I was called to the bridge when I arrived I sat Catherine down on the floor next to me. I couldn't help but smile as Catherine stared in wonder at everything around her. Upon seeing Tarkin, Catherine began to whimper and ultimately began crying. I stopped what I was doing and looked down at her in concern. "What's the matter my little Sith?" Catherine pointed towards Tarkin. "You remember him don't you?" I asked Catherine nodded and continued to whimper.

Catherine tugged on my cape "da?" I shook my head and continued to walk towards Tarkin causing Catherine to start crying.

I thought about scolding her and telling her that I wasn't her father but I decided against it. There was no harm in her calling me da for the time being.

"Da ba da ba."

Tarkin frowned. "A bridge is no place for an infant Lord Vader. That infant should be sent to a nursery where she can be attended too until she's old enough to enter the imperial academy."

"Thank you for your advice Governor, but I'm perfectly capable of caring for this child's needs."

"Lord Vader, you are far too busy to babysit this child every minute of every day. You have duties to the Empire. Duties that I must add that can not be ignored just because you've taken an interest in this infant. The infant needs to go."

"Very well. The infant and I will be taking our leave. Should you need me we shall be located at my castle on Mustafar."

"You can't be serious."

"I am."

"Lord Vader you do not have permission to take an extended leave of absence! Lord Vader!!! The Emperor will hear of this!" Tarkin yells irritatedly but I ignore him.

It didn't take Me long to pack everything we would need and soon we were on our way. As we flew off I mulled over Tarkin's words "you are far to busy to have to keep an eye on her every second of every day. Send her to a nursery until she's old enough to attend the imperial academy."

"Tarkin was right. I can't always be with you. However, there's got to be a more permanent solution to this problem then sending you away...." The infant gave me a puzzled look. "Computer set course for the nearest spaceport."

Soon we landed on a spaceport filled with ships and shop. Since the little one was just starting to learn how to walk I had her hold my hand. "I want you to stay right by my side my little Sith. I don't want you to get lost. Spaceports can be a very dangerous place." I said looking down at my little Sith.

We arrived at the first store and looked around but didn't see anything. While I was having a discussion with a nearby shopkeeper my little Sith became enthralled by two small creatures cowering under a stall.

Catherine POV

"Come here you stupid worthless good for nothing little.. I mean here puppy, good doggy. Here kitty kitty, I'm not going to hurt you." The merchant in charge of the shop called to the small creatures. I watched as he tried to grab them small to no prevail. "Da?" My little one asked pointing towards the small creatures under the stall. The creatures which were both very young happened to be a Loth-wolf pup and a Loth-cat Nexu cub/ Kitten.

Darth Vader's daughter 4th versionWhere stories live. Discover now