The meeting

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"Catherine I'm afraid I have some bad news." Vader said as he entered my chambers.


"I can not remain here with you any longer. I have been called back to duty. It seems that the Director couldn't handle one simple task. The plans for the Death Star were stolen and transmitted to a rebel ship. I have been assigned to locate the stolen data tapes at any cost."

"Take me with you. I want to make these webles pay for intewwupting  family time." I replied.

"I don't this that is wise." K-13 who was sitting nearby replied.

"No one was asked you." I replied the irritation in my voice evident. "Please daddy.
Take me with you. How else am I going to leawn how to use the fowce? It's not like K—13 can teach me."

"Very well."

"Your taking her with you?" K-13 asked in surprise. "That is a bad idea. Do you know how high a probability it is that she will get hurt?" I glared at K-13 angrily and he paused before finishing his sentence "it's high. It's very high."

Several hours of travel later, Vader, K-13 and I were aboard the Death Star and I was once again face to face with Tarkin. "Lord Vader it is a pleasure to have you back. Who might this be?"

"This is my apprentice Catherine. Catherine, this is Govner Tarkin."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Tarkin replied holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Me wish Me could say the same about you but me can't."  I replied ignoring his outstretched hand.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong Lord Vader, but I get the impression that your apprentice doesn't like me." Tarkin said as we continued to walk down the corridor.

"Me don't."

"What could I have possibly done to cause you to dislike me? We have never even met before."

"You don't memba me do you? You said dat me was an unwanted unwobed little gutteow snipe. Do you wemembes me now, you big meanie?" I demanded my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Catherine! Enough!" Vader replied. "You will speak to Govner Tarkin with the proper respect."

"Yes Mastowa. Fowgibe me. Me fowgot me place. Me pwomise it won't happen again." I replied quietly.

"Nonsense. I do remember you. Although, I don't do this very often the truth is, that I do owe you an apology. I took my frustrations with that idiotic fool Director Krennic out on you and that was inexcusable. I never should have said those hurtful things to you. You were after all, just a baby. I am a little surprised that you still remember what I said after all these years. And why are you talking like a toddler? Your what 18? 19? Now?" Tarkin replied.

"Actually, The Little Miss is only two." K-13 replied.

"Shut up K-13!" I hissed at him.

"I think your droid might be malfunctioning." Tarkin said turning to Vader.

"He's not."


"It's a long and complicated story. One we don't have time for at the moment." Daddy replies.

"Excuse me but whewe is we going?"

"To a meeting." Tarkin replied a few minutes later Tarkin, K-13, Vader and I entered a room where several men in high ranking uniforms sat at a table arguing.

"The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The remnants of the old republic have been swept away." Tarkin replied taking his seat at the table. Vader and I remained standing as there were not enough seats. K-13 stood over in the corner in low power mode. As he knew that I'd be in safe hands.

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