Meeting the Princess & reminding Vader of my age

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Later that night, Vader sat down next to my bed. "Tell me Catherine, what was the real reason you went back to the conference room? It wasn't because you left something behind. So why did you need to go back?" Vader asked. I shrugged not wanting to answer in case it made him angry. I hated it when Vader was angry with me. "Catherine I asked you a question." Vader replied folding his arms across his chest indicating that he was getting irritated.

"Me ummm. Me wanted to speak with that man who was wude to you."

"Why?" Vader replied curiously.

"Me wanted to ask him why he said what he did about the Fowce and why he was so wude to you." I replied.

"There is something that she's not telling you." K-13 stated.

I glared over at him "shut up K-13!" I whispered but he paid no attention to me.

"He called the little miss names and would have slapped her if I hadn't stopped him." K-13 replied.

"You should have let the matter drop Catherine." Daddy replied.

"But he was being wude to you and saying things that was not bewwy nice. Me wanted to know why. Me didn't undeastand."

"There was no need to be concerned with his behavior. I made it clear to him that he was over stepping his boundaries when I choked him. He won't question me again."

"Is you angwy with me?"

Before Vader could reply there was a knock on our quarters. "Enter. Wait here Catherine, I will be right back." With that, Vader exited my chambers and went into the living room.
"State your business and make it fast. I don't like being disturbed at this time of night." Vader said to the man who nervously entered the living room.

"We've located and attacked the ship that the stolen data tapes were transmitted too. It is ready to be boarded."

"You are dismissed. Something has come up Catherine. I'm afraid I can't tuck you in tonight." Vader said with a sigh.

"Me want to come with you. Me not sleepy and Me want to want to help you find the stolen data tapes. Please daddy?."

"That is a bad idea." K-13 replied.

"Who asked you? Me want to go with me daddy. How else am I going to leawn how to fight?"

"Perhaps you are right. However, that doesn't mean that you can go wandering around the enemy ship. These rebels are desperate and they won't hesitate to shoot you." Vader warned.

"Me won't me pwomise. Thank you." I replied giving him a big hug.'

"I don't like this at all." K-13 muttered as he followed us.

"Then stay behind." I replied closing the door in K-13's face.

It didn't take us long to infiltrate the ship. The storm troopers immediately searched the ships computer for the stolen data tapes. "The Death Star plans are not in the main computer." A storm trooper said as he approached us. I frowned.

"Where are those transmissions you intercepted? What have you done with those plans?" Vader demanded raising the rebel soldier off the ground.

"We intercepted no transmissions. This is a Consular ship. We are on a diplomatic mission." The soldier gasped.

"If this is a Consular ship then where is the ambassador?" Vader demanded as his grip on the soldier's throat tightened. I whimpered as I heard the sound of the snapping of the man in Vader's grasp neck. I watched in horror as as Vader threw the body against the wall. I didn't like this side of Vader it scared me. I just wanted to get away from it all. So I turned and ran in the opposite direction as fast as my little legs could carry me. As I did I heard Vader growl "Commander tear this ship apart until you've found those plans! And bring me the Ambassador I want her alive!!" The commander nodded and rushed to carry out Vader's demands.

Once I was out of the sight of all the fighting, I began to tremble and sat down and began to cry. I wanted my loving father back. This was a side of Vader I had never seen and I never wanted to see it again.

"Where did you come from? Is your father aboard this ship?" I nodded and pointed in the direction of the fighting.

The princess looked worried for a moment and then smiled as she replied. "Don't worry, I am sure your father is ok. Perhaps, you should stay with me until we can locate him."

The truth was I wasn't the least bit worried that someone had hurt Vader. I was more concerned about what he would do to me when he realized that I had run away from him.

A few minutes later, some storm troopers came across a women dressed all in white. "There's two people one of them must be the Ambassador. Set for stun." They then proceeded to shoot us. "They will be alright inform Lord Vader we have caught two prisoners."

Meanwhile, two droids escaped unseen into an escape pod which were normally for people only. "There goes another one."

"Hold your fire. There are no life signs aboard. It must have been short circuited."

A few minutes later, we were escorted to Vader's location. "Lord Vader. I should have known! Only you'd be so bold. The Inperial Senate will not sit for this. When they hear that you've attacked a diplomatic..." Leia said angrily.

"Don't act so surprised Your Highness. You weren't on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you." Vader replied.

"I don't know what your talking about. I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderan." Leia replied lying to his face.

"You are part of the rebel Alliance and a traitor take her away!" Vader replied angrily.

"Sir, what of the other prisoner?" A storm trooper asked shoving me forward. "We found her with the Princess."

Tears were forming in my eyes and I began to shiver. I could feel the anger emanating from him and I whimpered and looked down at the floor. Too ashamed to look him in the face.
"Take her to the detention center and place her in a cell next to the Princess. I shall question her later." Vader replied.

Later that night, Vader returned to our quarters slamming his fist against the wall. "Excuse me Master, but where is the little mistress?" K-13 asked concerned upon Vader's return without me.

"She will be spending the night in the detention center."

"Oh dear. What did the little miss do?" K-13 asked with a sigh.

"I told her not to run off and the moment my back was turned that's exactly what she did. She doesn't even realize how dangerous her actions were. She could have been killed." Vader growled.

"If you don't mind my asking what happened right before she ran off?" K-13 asked.

"Nothing. I was questioning a rebel he refused to answer my questions so I...." Vader's voice trailed off.

"You what Sir?"

"I snapped his neck and tossed his body aside." Vader replied.

"Oh dear. I knew bringing her along would be a bad idea." K-13 replied.

"What are you talking about?" Vader demanded angrily.

"The little miss has never seen anyone killed. Nor has she ever seen you in battle. She was probably frightened and that's why she ran away."

"Catherine should be able to handle death at her age. She's 19 she shouldn't be getting frightened over such trivial things. She needs to grow up and stop acting like a baby." Vader replied.

"Sir, with all due respect, must I remind you again that due to her rare condition, she is technically mentally and physically only two. You can't blame her for how her body behaves. It's not something she can control." K-13 replied.

"Perhaps, she needs to learn how to." Vader replied.

"May I go bring her home now?" K-13 asked.

"No. She needs to learn her actions have consequences. She is to remain in the detention cell until I decide otherwise." Vader replied.

K-13 sighed shaking his head in disappointment and disapproval "as you wish Sir."

Darth Vader's daughter 4th versionWhere stories live. Discover now