Permission to train me

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As Vader entered his chambers he was startled to see an image of the Emperor waiting for him. "Master?"

"I am very disappointed in you my old friend." The hologram said as he knelt down before it. "I thought my instructions concerning the infant were clear." The Emperor said with a frown.

"Yes Master." Vader replied barely looking up at the hologram.

"You have some explaining to do my young apprentice." He Emperor replied.

"I had every intention of obeying you Master." Vader replied glancing up at the hologram.

"Oh?" The Emperor replied cocking his eyebrow at Vader.

"I wanted too see the infant one last time before she was sent to that Force forsaken planet. When I went to observe her departure, I found Tarkin screaming at the poor infant. I may be a Sith, but even I can't turn my back on a crying infant. So I picked her up and as I did she snuggled into my arms and called me da-da. Tarkin proceeded to tell the infant that I wasn't her father and that I didn't like children. Where he got that ridiculous notion from is beyond me. The infant snuggled further into my embrace and called me dada once more.
Tarkin frowned and again told the infant that I wasn't her father and even if I was,  I wouldn't want her."

"He went on to tell her that no one loved or wanted her and he doubted if anyone ever would. He was lucky I was holding the infant when he said that, because otherwise he'd have found himself in a force choke. There is no excuse for saying something like that to an infant. As we discussed earlier, Tarkin then tried to take the infant from my arms and he found himself being shoved away via the force. When he attempted to try again he found himself unable to move. He demanded that I release him."

"That sounds like a reasonable request." The Emperor replied.

"Yes Master, except, I had no force hold on him. It was only after I convinced the infant to look at me, that Tarkin was released from whatever it was that was keeping him frozen. I decided to have a paternity test done on the infant..."

"Tell Me, my young apprentice, after all these years, after everything that I have done for you, have you started doubting me?" The Emperor asked sounding hurt.

"No Master. You have always been and will always be like a father to me." At this The Emperor smiled.

"Why then, did you not follow my instructions concerning the infant?"

"She intrigues me."

"Where precisely is the infant now?" The Emperor asked changing the subject.

"I left the infant in the infirmary. What is to become of her?" Vader asked.

"The daughter of Kenobi must not become a Jedi." The Emperor replied.

"Master, may I ask for a favor?" Vader asked.

"Of course my young apprentice, you may ask me anything. You know I am always happy to grant your requests." The Emperor replied.

"Let me raise the infant." Vader replied.

"Why would you want to do that?" The Emperor replied.

"What if the computer's analysis is wrong?"

"It is unwise to dwell on the past my young apprentice. Let go of everything that binds you to who you used to be. Forget about the infant... It's welfare is not your concern... The Emperor replied.

"She could be of use to us. If trained properly she could become a powerful ally." Vader replied pleading with the Emperor for my life.

Darth Vader's daughter 4th versionWhere stories live. Discover now