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Catherine POV

We soon arrived on the moon of a planet known as Yavin. "Your safe. When we heard about Alderan we feared the worst."

"No time for sorrows commander. You must analyze the data on this R2 unit. So we can created a battle plan." Leia replies.

After analyzing the data the rebels had a battle plan. I was board so I zoned out until I heard them talking about destroying the station. "A direct hit will blow up the station."

"Dada." I whispered looking worried. As everyone rushed to their ships I sat in the corner and curled up into a ball and I began to whimper. K-13 noticed my uneasiness. "Are you alright little miss?"

"Me miss dada. What if me nu eba see him again?" I replied tearfully.

K-13 pulled me into an embrace and began slowly rocking me back and forth. "Hush now little Miss. Everything will be alright." I only whimper in response.

Meanwhile, onboard the Death Star:

"We should be reaching the rebel base in 30 minutes."

"This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi it will soon see the end of the rebellion." Vader states proudly Tarkin glances over at him warily.

As we approached the base, Vader could sense my growing fear. The rebels were planning to attack the base. She was worried that she'd never see me again. I frowned, as I sensed that she she was also worried about the safety of the rebels.

"Catherine, do not be afraid child."


"Cathrine, I need you to listen to me very carefully. You must not give into the dark side of the force. Only you can remind your father of who he truly is, only you can help redeem him."

"Who is you?"

"I am a friend. I will be watching over you. You need not be afraid."

"Me want my dada but K-13 says he's mad at me. Me no want him to punish me."

"Don't worry about that little one. As my old friend used to say, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the darkside. Once you start down that path forever will it dominate your destiny. However, he was mistaken. We must embrace both sides of the force."

"Me confused....Dada says that's I shouldn't habe anything to do with the light side of the fowce. He said you can't use both sides of the fowce. It's eitha owa."

"Your father is mistaken as he has been about a great many things. Some say that he's more machine now then man, twisted and evil. That he is doomed to be lost in the darkness forever."

"Who is you?"

"I told you, I am a friend. That is all you need know for now."

"Me no like how you talk about me dada. Me don't think me should talk to you anymowa. Go away and leabe me alone!"

The voice sighed "as you wish little one."

I sat watching as Han placing containers onto the Falcon and sigh. Luke frowns and comes walking up to us. "So you got your reward and your just leaving then?" Luke demanded.

"That's right, yeah. I've got some old debts I've got to pay off with this stuff. And even if I didn't, do you think I'd be fool enough to stick around here? Why don't you come with us? Your pretty good in a fight."

"Come on you know what what's about to happen what they are up against. Your a good pilot they could use your help and your turning your back on them!" Luke replies.

Darth Vader's daughter 4th versionWhere stories live. Discover now