Comforting me.

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"Govener Tarkin, what a surprise. We weren't expecting a visit from you today To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" The Officer in charge of transporting goods to and from local planets asked.

"I need someone to transport this child to Tattooine." Tarkin replied.

"I am not sure I understand. This is a ship for transporting goods not some baby sitting service. I am sorry Govner, but we are not equipped to take care of an child this young. Even if we were, it wouldn't be safe to transport such a young child. Space is cold and is no place for a baby."

"That is simply not acceptable." Tarkin replied putting me down on the ground.

I reached up towards him but Tarkin shook his head. "No. I am not going to pick you up. I am not your father and I don't have time to waste on the likes of you. Now shut up, sit still and let the adults talk." Tarkin replied angrily causing me to start to cry. "Stop that this instant!"

"Tarkin she's just a baby. She doesn't know any better." Vader said as he approached us.

I looked up at Vader and reached up towards him. "Stop pestering every adult you see to pick you up. You are perfectly fine on the floor. If you don't keep quiet I won't hesitate to punish you." Tarkin replied irritatedly.

This only caused me to cry louder which ultimately resulted in me having the hiccups. Vader knelt down and picked me up and as he did he out a growl of frustration. After picking me up for the second time he proceeded to rock me back and forth. "Shhh little one it's alright. Everything is alright. Hush now don't cry." Vader said patting my back to help stop my hiccups.

"Sir, we've found someone willing to care for the infant while she's being transported to the planet. He's a storm trooper who has been assigned to a post nearby the orphanage so it would be on his way."

"Finally! It's about time the little brat
was on her way to where she belongs. Lord Vader hand me the child if you please." Vader sighed and started to hand me to Tarkin but I grabbed ahold of him and refused to let go. I whimpered burying my face into his chest as best as I could without it hurting me.

"Enough of this nonsense! Now let go of Lord Vader this instant!" Tarkin replied trying to pry my hands off Vader's neck.

Instead I began to scream and suddenly, Tarkin found himself being pushed away from us by an invisible force.

"Lord Vader, release me at once!" Tarkin demanded as he gasped for breath.

"I assure you, I am not doing anything." Vader replied.

"Then why can't I move?" Tarkin demanded.

Vader looked over at Tarkin and then at me he could see me glaring at Tarkin. "Humm. I wonder... Little one... Little One, look at me."
I looked up at Vader my concentration on Tarkin disrupted. As soon as I looked away from him Tarkin was able to move again. "Humm. Interesting very interesting."

"What's so interesting?" Tarkin demanded irritatedly.

"Nothing. I think it would be wise for the infant to remain on board for the time being." Vader stated starting to walk away with me in his arms.

"Lord Vader. We have our orders. Lord Vader!" Tarkin called after us but Vader ignored him and continued to walk away. Tarkin cursed under his breath. The Emperor would not like this not one bit. Storming off Tarkin ordered the nearby Officer to once again contact the Emperor. "I am sorry to bother you my Lord."

"I am sure you have a valid reason for contacting me once more. Though I am fairly disappointed that you can't handle problems on your own. Tell me Governor, what seems to be the problem now?" The Emperor asked.

"It's about the infant..." Governor Tarkin replied.

"I take it things did not go as planned?" The Emperor replied with a hint of irritation.

"Unfortunately, there were some unforeseen complications." Tarkin replied.

"I must say, I am quite disappointed in you Governor. If you can't handle a simple infant then perhaps, you shouldn't have such a high ranking position."

"I can assure you, your instructions would have been carried out to the letter if it hadn't been for Lord interference.

"I was content with the decision to send the infant to an orphanage but now, more drastic measures will have to be taken." The Emperor replied ending the transmission.

Meanwhile, Vader took me to the medical ward. "How may I be of service?" A droid asked as we entered.

"I need a DNA test done on this infant." Vader replied setting me down on the table.

"One moment." A minute later the results flashed onto the screen and the computer stated "match found mother Padme Amidalla Skywalker. Father Unknown." Vader stared dumbfounded at the screen as the computer repeated "match found mother Padme Amidalla Skywalker. Father unknown" Vader looked at the screen and then down at me. It was impossible and yet here I was. He hadn't killed Padme. I had. She had died giving birth to me just as he had foreseen. "Have her DNA tested against that of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker."

"One moment please." The droid replied. "Match found. Father Obi-Wan Kenobi Match found. "Father Obi-wan Kenobi." The screen repeated.

Vader made a fist and let out a low growl startling me & I started to cry. However, instead of comforting me Vader frowned "silence!" His voice boomed in irritation instantly I stopped crying and and stared up at Vader in fear. Vader then turned and walked out of the infirmary. He needed to clear his head and calm down. Questions filled his head. How could the child possibly be Obi-Wan 's? Padme would never betray him in such a manor. Yet, the test couldn't have been tampered with could it? None of this made any sense.

Darth Vader's daughter 4th versionWhere stories live. Discover now