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"Today's weather is going to continue to rain, seeing heavier showers continue over the next few days."

The sun streamed its glimmering rays through the angled blinds, warming the skin up of a certain dark haired girl. Surmising that the television had gotten left on again, Marinette sighed. She could also feel a substantial weight on her chest, inhibiting perfect respirations. Normally, she wouldn't care so much, but given her recent medical history, she thought it wise to remove said weight. Pushing what ever it was away, there was a deep grunt. It was a sexy one too, not just the normal sound of a blanket slipping down or a pillow flopping. This was a noise a human could make. Human? What human?

Peeking her bluebell eyes open, Marinette shrieked, realizing she threw a sleepy, sad little Adrien down toward the depths of chilled tile. With glowering emeralds, he glared at her from the uncomfortable position on the floor. "The hell was that for, Twizzler?" At the nickname, she blushed. "I'm sorry! You were on my chest and I-I got nervous because-"

"Do not tell me you didn't like cuddling with me. My word, Marinette, it didn't have to mean anything, I was just upset last night and you-"

"Stop interrupting me! I was going to say I got nervous because of the time someone had to give me CPR when I stopped breathing. I just got scared with the heaviness on my chest and thought it was all happening again," Marinette said, winding a blanket around her head tightly, the fabric resting like a nun's. Adrien nodded, understanding. She couldn't help but stare at the bed head his gorgeous blonde locks had acquired. It was too tousled, so unlike his usually kept self. With the odd exception of yesterday. Adrien's poor hygiene had conspired under certain drastic circumstances.

Sighing, he ruffled his freshly trimmed hair, glancing up through lightly colored lashes. "I suppose you had every right to be scared when you woke up. I'm sorry I startled you so," Adrien said. He stood upward to his feet, one sock managing to be lost, only one foot being swaddled in the wool. "Hungry for breakfast?" he asked, continuing to stare at her. Nodding, Marinette yawned. Adrien swooped down, his lengthy fingers tracing the edge of the soft blanket around her dark hair. He lowered himself, placing a lingering kiss to her freckled forehead.

Marinette felt her cheeks darken with a healthy blush as she scurried to the bathroom, hoping to relieve herself, possibly removing her abundant emotions from a startlingly intimate position. The room smelled distinctively of lemon polish and rosemary.

Why did he have to kiss her? Sure, it was innocent and on her forehead, but that little move was not a part of their deal. Hearing a ding sound off, she found her cell phone charging near the sink. When did he have time to plug her device in for her? The thought was altogether too flustering. Despite his outer shell, Adrien was starting to show how much of a caring soul he held underneath.

When she saw who it was that was blowing her phone up, all warm and fuzzies dissipated. Alya had sent numerous texts and called her an infinite amount of times, all gone missed and unread. Marinette swore under her breath, picking the ringing phone up and calling her best friend. "Hello?" she croaked out, sleepiness still evident in her voice. "Marinette! Where are you?! Do you know how worried I am right now?!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, it's just... I got caught up last night and I accidentally crashed and..."

"Do not tell me you lost your virginity already!"

"What?! No! Alya, I'm still pure! Look, I had to be there for a friend, and my phone was on the other side of his apartment," she sighed, haphazardly brushing her knotted hair with a wiry comb that was resting conveniently on the marbled bathroom countertop. "His? You slept over at a random man's place? Who even are you all of a sudden?"

"I'm still the same person! Just growing up, I guess. I don't know." By this point, Marinette had abandoned the once desperate need for a toilet, opting to fix her flaky mascara and shifted eyebrow powder. There was a pause on Alya's end. It was sickening and laced thickly with heavy disappointment. A soft knock resounded from the closed door. "Marinette? Everything okay? I heard your voice raise all high and upset-like," Adrien spoke, peeking from behind the door.

Her eyes widened at the thought of her bespectacled best friend finding out just who she slept over with. "Marinette Dupain-Chang. Do. Not. Tell me that is who I think it is or so help me-"

"Gotta go."

With a quick click, she ended the torturous call, focusing on the sole person who recently made her smile the most. "What's up?"

"Breakfast is ready. I hope you like omelettes," he said, looking like he wanted to pry, yet refrained from doing so. Scuffling directly behind Adrien's daringly tall figure, she followed suit, heading toward the kitchen, pulling out a chair and seating herself down on top of it. Halfway into her delicious meal, she reached out, touching his calloused hand. "Thank you, Adrien."

Nodding, he continued eating, not moving their connected hands. As he ate, Adrien threw his shoulders completely into it, hunching over like an eclipsed moon. It was kind of endearing how he ate like such a caveman. One would think he would be perfectly poised and put together regularly, not slouched like a small school boy.

Suddenly, she stood, walking around the table, tentatively sitting on one of his strong thighs. Keeping majority of her weight on the ball of her foot, as the entire move was a total balancing act. Marinette lightly touched his cleanly shaved jawline, drawing his green to her blue. "I mean it. I appreciate the food you made. No ones ever cooked for me before," she whispered, fingers still gracing his face.

Taking a hearty swallow, he responded. "Why the hell are you thanking me? Now that I'm sober I halfway remember what happened yesterday. I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Twizzler. It won't happen again, this I can assure." Adrien swung his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to his chest before petting the top of her head. As they allowed the gravity of his words to steep into their skin, they breathed together, listening to the pattering of the sprinkling rain against the glass of the billowing curtained windows.

Marinette was still dressed in her rumpled pink dress ensemble from the previous day. Somehow, her outfit had managed to be just comfy enough to not warrant a change. The tights had been becoming quite bothersome, growing in itchiness as time passed. Gently, the dark haired girl slid her hands under the skirt of her dress, hooking her thumbs under the lip of the panty hoes. Proceeding, she adjusted to slip the uncomfortable fabric down the expanse of her pale legs, not stopping until it ceased contact with her person. Marinette was lucky that she had just shaved.

She felt Adrien shift to be able to continue polishing off his breakfast. He shoved his food rapidly, swallowing quickly. Underneath her frame, Marinette could feel just how tense he grew as she performed what could have easily been a seductive act, both choosing not to investigate it as such. The girl was much too inexperienced to know the full outcome of her actions in that department. The dark fabric pooled at her feet, legs finally bare from their fashionable prisons.

"Don't be so afraid to open up. If you ever need a good cry, find me, I'll be there, okay? Nothing's worse than feeling all alone."

Adrien paused. "Are you finished eating? You look like you could use more hash browns. I could make you some more if you'd like?" His green eyes looked into the deepest depths of hers. Reading his irises like a chapter book, Marinette could tell he was indeed thankful and would use her offer whenever necessary. However, for now, he couldn't admit how weak he had been before her. She knew that. Which is precisely why she allowed the change of subject to be as it was, not bothering it.

"More hash browns sound perfect, Adrien."


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Much love,
Bubbles <3

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