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"Who was that, your girlfriend or something?"

Adrien's feet felt like absolute cement. Out the door ran the one person he actually gave one crap about. His sweet, gentle Marinette wanted nothing to do with him. How could he? How could he have become such a monster?

Oh, right. The girl had already walked into dinner with terrible preconceived notions on his grim history. With his horrible knowledge on how to treat a member of the opposite sex, Adrien had once again bubbled in the wrong answer on the exam. The blonde's crummy actions forced tears into pretty little bluebell eyes. And if nothing else, her lay words were a sharp knife to the jugular.

Choosing to ignore the random waitress girl, he found the weight of his legs to be lightened.

Chasing outside, Adrien ran with his life. It seemed as though it was fruitless; the man was running with streams of wind at his back, horrendously cracked pavement proved to be his only alibi.

Petty kicks to pebbles and a few hearty hand-to-brick-wall slams later, the blonde was past beyond defeated. He knew he done messed up.

It was really stupid for him to run for revenge make-outs with strangers in his anger. If he should be partaking in such an activity, it should have been with Marinette; each ridding themselves of pent up anger. He realized it was much too late for that.

As Adrien sat against an old building, he felt a few rain drops pelt the top of his brain bucket. Snickering, he guessed he deserved such a punishment. He had broken a girl's heart. The very same heart he previously gave second life to.

How dark and twisty was that?

Misery feasted at his gut, making it difficult to tell if the water on his cheek was salty leakage from his sullen eyes, or from overloaded clouds. Maybe it was for the better that Adrien didn't know. His pride was already diminishing from losing the one person he feared losing the most.

Once he was physically able to pull himself back to his apartment, he instantly slid off all of his damp clothing. Each garment was all soaked and rather unpleasant against his skin.

He decided a long, hot shower would ease his numbness just a little. Maybe if the water was scalding, the blonde would be able to feel something again.

Adrien tried his best to focus on how nice the scent of the body wash smelled. It was all put to no use. The blonde man leaned against the chilly tile, deciding the frigid temperature was a necessary punishment.

Something in his heart lurched, causing him to scream out. It was just a massive shout, long in length. He continued to yell until his lungs nearly shriveled from depletion.

That, and his next-door neighbor has hitting the shared wall, wordlessly asking for silence. Sure, it was late, but Adrien was lost in utter despair.

He knew she had to also be upset, how could she not be? Marinette caught him in yet another moment of lowliness, only his time he dragged the innocent girl with him, without any sign of her consent.

While the shower was still running, Adrien stepped out of the tub, neglecting a towel. Droplets if clean water flung and dripped everywhere, his resolve not really caring too much. The man needed to hear her melodic voice one last time.

After that, he mentally swore, he'd never reach out to Marinette ever again.

Shaking fingers dialed her number, holding the phone slightly away from his ear. He didn't want to chance getting his device ruined. It was the only contact he had to her and he had no intention of trashing that.


His heart flickered.

"Hey, Marinette, it's me. Do you have a second to hear me out?"

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